Papers on People and Biographies
Joan Of Arc 2
Number of words: 565 | Number of pages: 3.... forces, and then the dauphin himself of her calling. After passing an examination by a board of theologians, she was given troops to command and the rank of captain.
"In those days it was not unusual for women to fight side by side with the men. There were thirty women wounded in the battle of Amiens. A number of women soldiers fought among the followers of Johannes Huss in Bohemia. There was hardly a medieval siege in which some woman was not conspicuous for heroism. It was therefore quite natural for Charles to accept the military services of Joan of Arc."2
At the battle of Orleans in May 1429, Joan led the troops to a miracul .....
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Babe Ruth
Number of words: 866 | Number of pages: 4.... February 27, 1914, at the age of nineteen, Ruth was signed to his first professional baseball contract by Jack Dunn, manager of the Baltimore Orioles, at the time a minor league franchise in the International League. Because Ruth's parents had signed over custody of the youngster to St. Mary's he was supposed to remain at the school until the age of twenty-one. To get around this, Dunn became Ruth's legal guardian.
When George Ruth, Jr., appeared with Dunn at the ballpark the other players started cracking jokes, and one of the players quipped, "Well, here's Jack's newest Babe." The rest of the players also started referrin .....
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Biography Of Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 2368 | Number of pages: 9.... was the more attracted to handsome little
Edgar. She took him home with her, and another family took Rosalie. This
was in 1811, long before Juvenile Courts and official custody of orphaned
Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was
unwilling to commit himself to a step of such permanence. The acting
profession was despised at that time and even considered immoral. John
Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a
questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy
accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and in time
came to be proud of .....
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The Beliefs Of John Locke And Thomas Hobbes
Number of words: 893 | Number of pages: 4.... also appeared in 1690, the Two Treatises of Government; there he argues that the function of the state is to protect the natural rights of its citizens, primarily to protect the right to property. Though he challenged Thomas Hobbes on the nature of primitive society --for Hobbes it was "nasty, brutish, and short," while for Locke it was more rational, tolerant, and cooperative he agreed with him on the origin of the social contract, an implicit agreement between everyone in a society to respect a legal authority, so as to enable the pursuit of happiness. Locke believed that people had given up some rights. The rights that were .....
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Galileo Galilei
Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4.... condition that after one year, all of Galileo’s support would be cut off and he was on his own.
In the spring of 1585, Galileo skipped his final exams and left the university without a degree. He began finding work as a math tutor. In November of 1589, Galileo found a position as a professor of mathematics at the university of Pisa, the same one he had left without a degree four years before. Galileo was a brilliant teacher, but his radical ways of thinking and open criticism of Aristotle’s teachings were not acceptable to the other professors at the university. They felt that he was too radical and that his teachin .....
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Walt Whitman
Number of words: 295 | Number of pages: 2.... starts
off each stanza with the same line every time. “Beat! Beat! drums! - blow!
bugles! blow!” He uses this symbolism of war to show the effects it has on the
world. The drums and the bugles are always interrupting things. This is seen
clearly in the first stanza. The drums and bugles are interrupting the church
and the farmer can't be peaceful. Whitman continues this symbolism throughout
the rest of the poem. Whitman also speaks of how he doesn't like the war in
other poems of his. He does this in “The Wound-Dresser.” He speaks of the war
as his strangest days. They were long days of sweat and dust. The reade .....
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Roberto Clemente Walker
Number of words: 548 | Number of pages: 2.... batting average was a .317. On November 14, 1964, he married Vera Cristina Zabala in Carolina, Puerto Rico. They had three sons: Roberto Jr., Luis Roberto and Roberto Enrique. Proud of his heritage Roberto insisted that Vera give birth to all three sons in Puerto Rico. The boys were six, five and two, when their father met his unfortunate death.
New Year's Eve, December 31, 1997 marked the 25th Anniversary of a tragic plane
crash. The plane was taking medical, food and clothing supplies to Nicaragua, to help out after an earthquake. Vera and friends begged him not to take the trip because of poor weather and an unstable carg .....
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Marcus Antonius
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2.... Antony's action were not quite as good as the actions of Caesar.
In 43 B.C. Octavian, the true heir to Caesar's throne, challenged Antony's rule. When Octavian arrived in Rome, he was left in a difficult position. Antony was unwilling to give up his throne. Later that year, Antony agreed to become a co-ruler with Octavian and Lepidus to form the First Triumvirate. Together, they later murdered many opponents in the Senate, a group of powerful government advisors.
Mark Antony had great military skills. In 42 B.C., an army led by Antony and Octavian defeated the army of Brutus and Cassius Longinus in two battles at Philipi in Macedo .....
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Catherine II, Empress Of Russia (Catherine The Great)
Number of words: 753 | Number of pages: 3.... Nikita PANIN in foreign affairs, Aleksandr SUVOROV in the military,
and Grigory POTEMKIN in administration. Imbued with the ideas of the
Enlightenment, Catherine aimed at completing the job started by Peter I--
westernizing Russia--but she had different methods. Unlike Peter, she did
not forcibly conscript society into the service of the state, but rather
encouraged individual initiative in pursuit of self-interest. She succeeded
to a degree with the upper classes, but did nothing for the overwhelming
majority of the population--the enserfed peasantry.
To learn the needs of the country and to gain popularity, Catherine in
17 .....
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George Bush
Number of words: 1083 | Number of pages: 4.... which led to his position as Senator of Connecticut. Bush had three brothers and one sister who were all brought up strictly and well-mannered. He attended private Greenwich Day School and exclusive Phillips Academy where he was indeed popular. Along with his good grades, Bush was president of the senior class, captain of the baseball and soccer teams, and also played varsity basketball. After graduating prep school in 1942, his original plans of attending Yale University had been delayed due to the U.S. interest in World War II. He enlisted in the U.S. National Reserve where he received flight training and became the N .....
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