Papers on People and Biographies
John Brown
Number of words: 1213 | Number of pages: 5.... he became a militant abolitionist, a
"conductor" on the Underground Railroad, and the organizer of a
self-protection league for free blacks and fugitive slaves.
By the time he was fifty, Brown was entranced by visions of slave
uprisings, during which racists paid horribly for their sins, and he came
to regard himself as commissioned by God to make that vision a reality.
In August 1885 he followed five of his sons to Kansas to help make the
state a haven for anti-slavery settlers. The following year, his hostility
toward slave-staters exploded after they burned and pillaged the
free-state community of Law .....
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Billy Sunday
Number of words: 2382 | Number of pages: 9.... the Christian message and at worst he was a disgrace to the name of Christ (Dorsett 2). There are elements of truth in both of these views. He was often guilty of oversimplifying biblical truths, and at times he spoke more out of ignorance than a heavenly viewpoint. He was also a man with numerous flaws. He spoiled his children, giving them everything that they asked for. He put enormous responsibility on his wife, burdening her with many aspects of his ministry. He always noticeably sought the Oswalt / 2 applause of the crowd for his own praise. He often confused the will of God with his own social and political agenda. He e .....
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Robert Andrew Millikan
Number of words: 547 | Number of pages: 2.... was on his resume Millikan was offered a
position in the Physics department at the University of Chicago and Millikan
took it. After teaching for a period Millikan decided that physics could only
be taught properly through the practice of experimentation and getting your
hands in it just as many other things are. Thus, he began writing better
textbooks for the University of Chicago, "In fact he spent the morning of his
wedding day reading proofs of his textbooks" (
http://physics.uwstout.edu/sotw/millikan.html )
During his 12 hours of teaching each day Millikan spent half of his time
doing research. In 1909 he constructed .....
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Woodrow Wilson
Number of words: 758 | Number of pages: 3.... happens following minor strokes, there was recovery: his
right-handed writing ability returned within a year.
Was his career impeded? No, in 1902 he became the president of Princeton. But the problem recurred in 1904. In 1906 it happened again, this time with blindness in the left eye (also supplied by the left internal carotid artery, which is probably where clots were originating which plugged up various small arteries in the left eye and left brain). While the right arm weakness went away, Wilson had enough damage to his left eye that he could never read with it again. Some think that his judgment was impaired in the following y .....
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John Bates Clark
Number of words: 455 | Number of pages: 2.... together both kinds of non-human inputs under the general term
"capital," which he then assumed that the broadened "capital" is homogenous.
John took this Neoclassical approach one step further than others in
applying it to the business firm and the maximization of profits. One of the
results was a theory of the distribution which demonstrated that market outcomes
were just.
Clark also believed that technological change would lead to an increase
in the standard of living which he felt was one of the chief goals of any
economic system. He felt that with this technological change, labor would be
more productive and lea .....
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John F. Kennedy
Number of words: 397 | Number of pages: 2.... vote. But by less then 115,000 popular votes.
For Kennedy the most important part of his presidency came on October 16, 1960 when he found out about the Russian missiles being moved into Cuba. Some of the missiles that they were moving in were, MRBMs, which are medium range ballistic missiles, and IRBMs which are intermediate range missiles. The Executive Committee, A group of advisers to the president, then asked why Khrushchev put the missiles in Cuba. He said that it was because of the Jupiter Missiles that had been placed in Turkey earlier that year. Because of the Military build up in Cuba, the US put the government into DE .....
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Aristotles Notion Of Body And Soul
Number of words: 522 | Number of pages: 2.... when the soul is more important than the body. For example, a man sees a very beautiful, married, woman. His body would tell him to try and have sexual intercourse with this woman. In this case it is good that his soul would tell him that committing this action would be wrong, because, after all, this woman is married. Also, in general, people who listen to their head, heart and soul, and sometimes do certain things they do not like for the greater good, turn out to be much more successful than people who only do what they want to and feel like.
On the other hand, rationality is not always the right path. Sometimes it is good .....
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Karl Marx
Number of words: 1172 | Number of pages: 5.... Berlin Marx interests changed from law to philosophy. "Degeneration in a learned dressing gown with uncombed hair had replaced degeneration with a beer glass." (1 p2) Marx father obviously disapproved greatly.
Marx attached to the philosophy of G.W.F Hegel. He referred to the Phenomenology of mind as the true birthplace and secret to his philosophy.
Marx developed many insights throughout his work. Two very important insights include: economy as the chief form of human alienation, and the material force needed to liberate humanity from economics found in working class. Marx found that the material force needed to liberate hu .....
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Coco Chanel
Number of words: 1744 | Number of pages: 7.... living room to make dresses for her dolls (1). What a magnificent way to prepare for a life of style.
In February, 1895, ChanelĀ¹s mother, Jeanne, was found dead, presumably because of her constant pregnancies (Chanel, A Woman of Her Own 9); her father, Albert, left for good, abandoning Gabrielle and her four siblings. They were placed into an orphanage in Aubazine. The three Chanel girls, Julie, Antoinette, and Gabrielle, remained at the orphanage for the next six years while the two boys, Alphonse and Lucien, became unpaid child laborers at their young age of eight. (10)
In 1900, Gabrielle left the orphanage at eighteen with he .....
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Robert Penn Warren
Number of words: 1008 | Number of pages: 4.... not always have ambitions to become a writer, in fact, one of his earlier dreams was to become an adventurer on the high seas. This fantasy might have indeed come about, for his father intended to get him an appointment to Annapolis, had it not been for a childhood accident in which he lost sight in one of his eyes.
Warren was an outstanding student but there were also many books at home, and he savored reading. His father at one time aspired to be a poet. His grandfather Penn, with whom he spent much time when he was young, was an exceptional storyteller and greatly influenced young Red. But both of these men whom he loved had .....
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