Papers on People and Biographies
The Life Of Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 26653 | Number of pages: 97.... Alois went to live on a small farm with his uncle.
At age thirteen, young Alois had enough of farm life and set out for the city of Vienna to make something of himself. He worked as a shoemaker's apprentice then later enlisted in the Austrian civil service, becoming a junior customs official. He worked hard as a civil servant and eventually became a supervisor. By 1875 he achieved the rank of Senior Assistant Inspector, a big accomplishment for the former poor farm boy with little formal education.
At this time an event occurred that would have big implications for the future.
Alois had always used the last name of his mothe .....
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Czar Nicholas II
Number of words: 711 | Number of pages: 3.... finger. The Czar had a nervous habit of brushing his mustache up with the back of his hand. In time, this gesture would become his distinct signature.
Because of his sheltered life under the fear of terrorists, Nicholas grew up secluded from the world. Unfortunately, this caused him to never had the self-confidence and self-reliance he would need later in his life as the last czar of Russia. Though seemingly weak, his first love was Russia and the second his family. He refused to have secretaries, in the belief that this would help bring him closer to his people. Again, it did not work. He was seen as a phony by the entire count .....
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The Life Of Richard Feynman
Number of words: 1128 | Number of pages: 5.... the directors of the theoretical division. Feynman had
written that there were four main questions that needed to be answered
before the work could progress.
1. How big must the bombs be? What is the critical mass and radius for each
material? 2. What material would best serve as a tamper? 3. How pure would
the uranium or plutonium have to be? 4. How much heat, light, and shock
would be created in a nuclear explosion?
This work was very difficult, mainly because the materials (uranium and
plutonium) whose properties they were trying to discover were not available
in sufficient quantities that they could perform experiments on th .....
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John Updike
Number of words: 861 | Number of pages: 4.... she was two years older than . In 1954 he wrote his senior paper on Robert Herrick, who was a 17th century poet. That summer he graduated from Harvard summa cum laude (Yerkes, James 4/2/00). The next fall moves to England on a Knox Fellowship where he enrolled in the fine arts at Oxford. At Oxford he met Katharine White and she offers him a job on the staff of The New Yorker.
That summer he returned to his wife, and their first child Elizabeth was born April 1, 1955. He moved his family to Manhattan where he began his work at The New Yorker. 1957 son David was born and he left the staff of The New Yorker to concentrate .....
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Marcus Aurelius
Number of words: 2596 | Number of pages: 10.... to want a war than the contemplative Aurelius. Verus was an "Epicurean" and definitely would never be called a philosopher. However, Verus died suddenly in 169, leaving Aurelius to rule Rome on his own. It is important to mention that during basically all of Aurelius’ rule, Rome was engaged in a long series of defensive wars. In fact, the book Meditations was written during these wars, possibly during the darkest of conditions. And even though these wars were successful, they were taxing both on Rome as a state, and on Aurelius himself. However, he somehow managed to stay somewhat unaffected throughout, an amazing feat .....
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John Steinbeck: A Common Man's Man
Number of words: 1133 | Number of pages: 5.... as a
reporter for the American. (Covici , xxxv). Steinbeck then moved back to
California and lived with his wife at Pacific Grove. In 1934, he wrote for the
San Franciso News, he was assigned to write several articles about the 3,000
migrants flooded in at Kings County. The plight of the migrant workers motivated
him to help and document their struggle. The money he earned from the newspaper
allowed him to travel to their home and see why their reason for leaving and
traveled to California with them, sharing in with their hardships (Steinbeck,
127). Because John Steinbeck was able to travel with the Okies, he was able to
accurate .....
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Clara Hale
Number of words: 350 | Number of pages: 2.... Reagan introduced Mother Hale as he gave his 1986 State of Union Address. She was called an American hero, and was appointed to the National Drug-Free America Task Force. Many of the children come to Hale House from prisons, police stations and hospitals. They get their funding mostly from private donations and times do get very rough. Hale House is still in operation today. It has become a national role model for children without families. It is a great place to keep these children to keep them out of alleys, garbage cans, and many places where mothers abandon their newborn children. Sadly, Mother Hale passed away in 1993. In .....
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Mohandas Gandhi
Number of words: 1437 | Number of pages: 6.... this, he used his schooling to help plead for
Indian settlers in South Africa that were being oppressed by the white
population. His personal experiences, including being ejected from a train
in Maritzburg, of not being allowed the same rights as others lead him to
begin a movement to help his people.
While in South Africa, Gandhi made himself poor so that he could
identify with his the peasants. He then proceeded to start a colony that
consisted of abused labourers. The colony became very large and many cities
were crippled by the lack of labourers. The government reacted to this by
jailing Gandhi several times along with ma .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 989 | Number of pages: 4.... with none." He then went on to affirm his commitment to the rights of the states and the preservation of the central government. Continuing to intermingle general principles and specific policies, that new president declared that he favored reliance for defense on a "militia rather than an army, a small navy" (Cunningham) and prosperity through "economy, the payment of debts, and the encouragement of agriculture and commerce as its handmaid." He also emphasized basic rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and impartially selected juries. "These principles," Jefferson concluded, & .....
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Peter The Great 2
Number of words: 2489 | Number of pages: 10.... In order to understand the image of Peter the Great and his significance it is necessary to know his background and the influences that shaped his life. Peter the Great was the fourteenth child of Alexei Mikhailovich, born in Moscow on May 30, 1672. Tsar Alexis died when Peter was four years old. His mother raised Peter. Tsars' Alexis son from his first marriage, Feodor Alekseevich succeeded to the throne but his reign did not last long. On April 27, 1682, Tsar Feodor died. In line to succeed him were, his brother Ivan and Peter who was his half-brother. Peter was only ten years old. With the assistance of the semip .....
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