Papers on People and Biographies
King Arthur 3
Number of words: 1643 | Number of pages: 6.... It is almost certain that Arthur did exist, although it is unlikely he
was a king. He is more likely to have been a warrior and Celtic cavalry
leader. The Saxon invaders, who were unmounted, would have been at a
considerable disadvantage against the speed with which the Celtic
company were able to move around the country, which would make possible
the dozen victories up and down the country that have been attributed to
the shadowy figure of Arthur. Around the fifth century, a resistance
movement against Britain's invaders, including Saxons and Angles from
the continent, Picts from the North, and Irish from t .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1064 | Number of pages: 4.... commit himself. At that time people thought acting was immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was willing however, to support the child, and in time came to be proud of Edgar's good looks and intelligence. When Edgar was six years old, Mr. Allen's business took him to Scotland, the country from which he had come originally. The family stayed in Scotland and England for five years. Edgar was eleven when the Allans returned to Richmond. Richmond in back then in the 1820's was a good place for a boy to l .....
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Empress Wu
Number of words: 1331 | Number of pages: 5.... Kao Tsung’s empress, Empress Wang, was jealous of a new concubine that Kao Tsung gave much affection to. Her name was Hsaio Shu-Fei. She then ordered to grow her hair back and come back to the Tang court. She did what she was told and came back. Empress Wang’s plan was to take away the affection that Kao Tsung gave to Hsaio Shu-Fei. Empress Wang’s plan worked, but it also backfired on her. got Kao Tsung’s affection, but still, Empress Wang was not satisfied because she still didn’t get any affection. So then Empress Wang became jealous of and tried to get rid of her as well. Empress Wang’s je .....
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Frost, Robert
Number of words: 1230 | Number of pages: 5.... is about someone who comes to a fork in a path. One path is well beaten and treaded, while the other is less traveled and more difficult. Is the traveler happy with the decision he has made to take the road less traveled? Many critics think he may have had second thoughts. Magill's Survey of American Literature states that there are many contradictions throughout the poem, "…He seems to contradict his own judgment. The poet appears to imply that the decision is based on evidence that is, or comes close to being an allusion" (Magill 64).The tone of the stanza and the title of the poem suggest that the traveler may be regretting .....
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Winston Churchill
Number of words: 1433 | Number of pages: 6.... where he was constantly doing badly in his schoolwork, and also getting into trouble. Even though Churchill did badly in many areas of school, it was noted that he had a phenomenal memory. When he was thirteen he won a prize for reciting 1,200 lines from Macauley’s Last Days of Ancient Rome, without a mistake.9 was an individualist. He disliked team games such as cricket or football. He did however, excel in fencing, which earned him a silver medal in a school competition.
After finishing school, Winston went on to fight in the British Army. He loved head-to-head combat, but rarely saw much of it at this time. He serv .....
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Number of words: 743 | Number of pages: 3.... his staff in Gaul. When Publius Clodius, whom had antagonized, became tribune in 58, was in danger, and in March fled Rome. In 57, thanks to the activity of Pompey and particularly the tribune Milo, he was recalled on August 4. landed at Brundisium on that day and was acclaimed all along his route to Rome, where he arrived a month later. Pompey renewed his compact with Caesar and Crassus at Luca in April 56. then agreed, under pressure from Pompey, to align himself with the three in politics. He was obliged to accept a number of distasteful defenses, and he abandoned public life.
In 51 he was persuaded to govern the province .....
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Number of words: 1890 | Number of pages: 7.... Egypt. If she hadn’t hidden herself she would have been killed. When she unrolled herself in front of Caesar he fell in love with her right away.Caesar had to choose which of the Egyptian rulers to help keep the throne. Of course he chose . He then became ’s lover. In 47 BC Ptolemy Xlll drowned in the Nile while trying to escape, and Caesar then restored to her throne.
After her older brother Ptolemy Xlll was died, was then forced by custom to marry her youngest brother Ptolemy XlV, which was about eleven at the time. After and Ptolemy XlV were settled on their joint government basis, she and Caesar went on a two-month .....
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Charles Manson: Orgins Of A Madman
Number of words: 2727 | Number of pages: 10.... who had him sent to "Boys
Town," a juvenile detention center, near Omaha, Nebraska. Charles spent a total
of three days in "Boys Town" before running away. He was arrested in Peoria,
Illinois for robbing a grocery store and was then sent to the Indiana Boys
School in Plainfield, Indiana, where he ran away another eighteen times before
he was caught and sent to the National Training School for Boys in Washington
D.C. Manson never had a place to call "home" or a real family. He spent his
childhood being sent from one place to another, and trouble always seemed to
follow him. His mother's negligence left Manson without a home and .....
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George Washington Carver
Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... agriculture and bacterial botany. That same year, Booker T. Washington offered Carver a job teaching at Tuskegee Institute. During his first few years at Tuskegee, he made many improvements in the agricultural program. With the help of other colleagues, he created the Farmers’ Institute. This was a group of farmers who met monthly to acquire agricultural advice from the Tuskegee staff.
As well as creating the Farmers’ Institute, Carver also helped the farmers of Alabama and the southern states a great deal. An insect called the boll weevil became an enormous threat to the cotton fields of southern United States. Carver .....
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Milton Friedman
Number of words: 774 | Number of pages: 3.... with those of his contemporaries, in the major point that he believed that economic stability could only be reached through non-intervention on behalf of the government. This policy is often known as laissez-faire (French for 'let things be') economics. The policy at the time was for the government to sharply increase or decrease money supply, to counteract inflation, in an attempt to attain a stable economy. Friedman argued however, that this intervention was destabilising, and that what was needed was a steady money flow to create a basic framework for the economy; the rest should be left up to individual competition. Thi .....
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