Papers on People and Biographies
Joeseph McCarthy
Number of words: 806 | Number of pages: 3.... his leg on a ship during a party and gained a lot of attention from the press along the way. Although later he claimed that his injured leg was caused by ten pounds of sharpnel that he was carrying at the time. There is also a dispute about exactly how many flying missions he actually went on.
Sometime in 1944, McCarthy attempted to beat Alexander Wiley for a senitorial seat in Wisconsin but was defeated. But that wasn't all. He was already planning to run against Robert La Follette (a senator who's seat was up for re-election in just two years).
La Follette would be a difficult one to beat because he was a pretty w .....
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Susan B Anthony
Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3.... After she settled in her family home in Rochester, New York. It was here that she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance.
This was one of the first expressions of feminism in the United States, and it delt with the abuses of woman and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands. In 1849, Susan gave her first public speech for the Daughters of Temperance, and then help found the Woman’s State Temperance Society of New York. It was one of the first organizations of its time.
In 1851 she went to Syracus to attend a series of antislavery meetings. During this time Susan meet Cady Stanton. They became best fri .....
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Billy The Kid
Number of words: 670 | Number of pages: 3.... as a father and would do anything for him. But on February 18, 1878, Tunstall was gunned down by a group of deputies who were under the authority of Sheriff William Brady who was a major Murphy and Dolan supporter. swore revenge and said he would not rest until the Murphy and Dolan group was dead. Billy had ended up killing most of the group but was still looking for Sheriff Brady. On April 1, 1878 Billy got his wish. Billy and a group of five friends positioned themselves behind an adobe wall and waited for Brady and his posse to come into town. When they finally did Billy and his band of outlaws opened fire from their .....
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Rutherford Hayes
Number of words: 1106 | Number of pages: 5.... Republicans made a secret deal with Democrats in congress, who agreed not to dispute the Hayes victory in exchange for a promise to withdraw federal troops from the south and end reconstruction . Hayes made good on the deal. He swiftly ended Reconstruction and pulled federal troops out of the last two occupied states, South Carolina and Louisiana . During the brief period of radical reconstruction the negro enjoyed both civil and political rights.
This political bargain contained three generally recognized parts: 1) The north would keep hands off the ‘negro problem’. 2) The rules governing race relations in the .....
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Mk Ghandhi
Number of words: 2918 | Number of pages: 11.... the meaning of violence and non-violence. Violence being specific forces in any form that are intentionally applied to assault others, bodies, minds or intellectual levels. It is often an exhibition of anger. Looking at the definition, we must be aware that non-violence is not limited to not doing the act of violence, rather, it is the practice of the ahisma, were not only do you appreciate the co-existence of living or non living beings, but you also contribute and maintain harmony in the total existence by experiencing a oneness, non duality with the existence itself.
In the beginning of the article, it reads a cutting from th .....
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Louis Armstrong
Number of words: 301 | Number of pages: 2.... groups ( Hot Five, Six, & Seven) through the thirties and forties, his fame only hampered by the fact that the best venues were generally reserved for white musicians.
In his later years, Armstrong remained a good trumpet player. As his health declined, he began to rely more upon his singing than his trumpet playing. He became known to a generation as a singer and an entertainer rather than as a trumpet player.Armstrong defined jazz in many ways, helped create scat, tactfully dealt with racism, and has influenced many musicians. .....
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Walt Whitman
Number of words: 980 | Number of pages: 4.... his personal identity. However, the true excellence of Whitman's writings lies in the realization that through Whitman's effective use of the catalogue, the reader is able to explore and recognize his own identity as well. In section 15 of the poem, Whitman catalogues together many random thoughts, which evoke great imagery for the reader,
The duck-shooter walks by silent and cautious stretches,
The deacons are ordain'd with cross'd hands at the altar,
The spinning-girl retreats and advances to the hum of the big wheel,
The farmer stops by the bars as he walks on a first-day loafe and looks at
the oats and rye, (269 .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Number of words: 258 | Number of pages: 1.... in 1723, that of musical director at St Thomas's choir school in Leipzig, where, apart from his brief visit to the court of Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, he remained there until his death.
Bach married twice and had 21 children, ten of whom died in infancy. His second wife, Anna Magdalena Wulkens, was a soprano singer; she also acted as his amanuensis, when in later years his sight failed.
Bach was a master of contrapuntal technique, and his music marks the culmination of the Baroque polyphonic style.
Important Works
Sacred music includes over 200 church cantatas, the Easter and Christmas oratorios, the two great .....
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Ted Bundy
Number of words: 2045 | Number of pages: 8.... her son's older sister. As for Ted's natural father Lloyd Marshall, who was an Air Force veteran was unknown to him throughout his life. When Ted turned four, his mother, Louise took him with her and moved to Tacoma, Washington where she married Johnnie Bundy. felt nothing towards his stepfather, he was very bitter that he was forced to move across the continent from his grandfather, the only man he looked up to. Although, a psychiatrist had concluded after talking with Bundy year's later, that his grandfather was an abusive brute or even worse. As a young boy, Bundy had started becoming obsessed with females and obscure sexu .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne Weaves Dreams Into Reality In Much Of His 19th Century Prose
Number of words: 1410 | Number of pages: 6.... latter part of the period of Puritanism expands his observations of mankind with keen insight.
Truth often finds its way to the mind close-muffled
in robes of sleep, and then speaks with uncompromising
directness of matters in regard to which we practice
an unconscious self-deception, during our waking
moments. (par.15)
The prophetic statement was made by Hawthorne to open the reader's mind and perhaps inject an introspective glimpse of his perspective that dreams do indeed contain precursors or warnings of future conscious realities. He also contends that people often purposely disregard the contents of their dreams and do .....
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