Papers on People and Biographies
John DeLorean And His Acomplishments
Number of words: 5137 | Number of pages: 19.... he was entered as a probationary student. He excelled
at Cass, and won a scholarship to Lawrence Institute of Technology in
Detroit. Two years later, he was drafted and spent three years in the Army.
After that, John worked as a draftsman for the Detroit Public Lighting
Commission to save up enough money to continue at Lawrence. During this
time, he also had to partially support his mother and brothers, and did so
by directing an evening dance band. In the summers, he worked at the
Chrysler plant on Jefferson Avenue in Detroit. After graduation from
Lawrence, John took a job as a door to door insurance salesman in order to
overc .....
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Lou Gehrig
Number of words: 773 | Number of pages: 3.... unbelievable endurance, feat, strong and powerful nicknamed "The Iron Horse," played in every one of the two thousand, one hundred and thirty consecutive games, even though he was beaned three times, had fingers broken ten times, suffered fractured toes, torn muscles, a wrenched shoulder, a back injury, chipped elbows, and the pain of several lumbago attacks. Yet, in every contest of that incredibly long playing period he played with all the enthusiasm of a kid breaking into the big leagues.
During that streak of 2,130 consecutive games "The Iron Horse" performed other astonishing feats. He became the first in the 20th century t .....
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King Arthur 2
Number of words: 380 | Number of pages: 2.... fifth and early sixth centuries. Since there is no conclusive evidence for or
against Arthur's historicity, the debate will continue. But what can not be denied is the influence of the figure of Arthur on literature, art, music, and society from the Middle Ages to the present. Though there have been numerous historical novels that try to put Arthur into a sixth-century setting, it is the legendary figure of the late Middle Ages who has most captured the imagination. It is such a figure, the designer of an order of the best knights in the world, that figures in the major versions of the legend from Malory to Tennyson to T. H. Wh .....
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Biography Of Tiger Woods
Number of words: 833 | Number of pages: 4.... a son. They named the baby Eldrick, but Earl called him “Tiger”. Tiger Woods took interest in golf at a young age. He would watch from his crib as his father would practice his swing. He began playing golf since before he could walk. When he got a few years older, he began to compete in the Junior Nationals tournaments against older boys. He didn’t have the strength to drive the ball far, but he had skill; he was blessed. Earl made Tiger some miniature clubs out of his old ones and from that moment on, he was obsessed with the sport. The way that Tiger played, it was no longer a sport, it became an art. With ev .....
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Eighteenth Century Philosophers
Number of words: 1428 | Number of pages: 6.... Even though many of his writings may seem extremely unrealistic, several of them were prophetic in nature. Not only did he predict future events, he also influenced many great minds of the nineteenth century, making him an important figure of his time.
Another eccentric who was seeking his own type of utopia was Francois Marie Fourier. Although several of Fourier's views were influenced by the same trends as Saint-Simons' his ideas were significantly different, for Fourier saw no use in scientists of progress. Instead, Fourier wanted to liberate human nature. He determined that it was man's passions which made them happy and .....
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Roberto Clemente
Number of words: 549 | Number of pages: 2.... career batting average was a .317. On November 14, 1964, he married Vera Cristina Zabala in Carolina, Puerto Rico. They had three sons: Roberto Jr., Luis Roberto and Roberto Enrique. Proud of his heritage Roberto insisted that Vera give birth to all three sons in Puerto Rico. The boys were six, five and two, when their father met his unfortunate death.
New Year's Eve, December 31, 1997 marked the 25th Anniversary of a tragic plane
crash. The plane was taking medical, food and clothing supplies to Nicaragua, to help out after an earthquake. Vera and friends begged him not to take the trip because of poor weather and an unstabl .....
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Number of words: 1058 | Number of pages: 4.... about the Aztecs and their ruler Montezuma II.
took lots of captives one of which they baptized and renamed Marina. She became his lover and out of loyalty to him became his interpreter, Translator, Guide, and Counselor. Finding a better harbor a little North of San Juan they established a town called La Villa Rica De La Vera Cruz, which literally translates to The Rich Village Of The Vera Cruz. This was later called just Varacruz. did what Velasquez that he would do, and abandoned the authority of everybody except the king and queen. was a strategical thinker and destroyed his group of vessels in order to prevent small forc .....
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Robert E. Lee
Number of words: 649 | Number of pages: 3.... Annie,
Agnes, Robert and last Mildred. When he was home, they all attended
episcopal Church where he was raised.
On May 13, 1846 the United States declared was on their southern neighbor.
When Lee was 39, he headed for Mexico. Lee's will said that he was worth
about $38,750 with few depts. He only had few slaves: Nancy and her
children. And they were to be freed "soon as it can be done to their
advantage and that of others. On Christmas, Lee wrote to his wife that he
hoped this woul.d be the last time he would be away from her. While they
were at war, even though is was hard, he attended church. He returned on
June 29, 184 .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 1583 | Number of pages: 6.... active part in the events that led to the American Revolution (1775-1783). His literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when public papers were drafted. Early in 1774 the colonies were angered by the British Parliament's passage of what were called the Intolerable Acts. One of these, the Boston Port Act, closed the harbor of Boston, Massachusetts, in retaliation for a protest incident. Jefferson was one who controversially suggested that the day the act went into effect should be declared "a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer."
During 1775 and 1776 Jefferson sat in the Continental Congress. During this t .....
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Rene Descartes
Number of words: 872 | Number of pages: 4.... the rest of his life. He lived for varying
periods in a number of different cities in the Netherlands, including Amsterdam,
Deventer, Utrecht, and Leiden.
It was probably during the first years of his residence in the
Netherlands that Descartes wrote his first major work, Essais philosophiques,
published in 1637. The work contained four parts: an essay on geometry,
another on optics, a third on meteors, and Discours de la methode (Discourse on
Method), which described his philosophical theories. This was followed by other
philosophical works, among them Meditationes de Prima Philosophia (Meditations
on First Philosophy, 1641) .....
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