Papers on People and Biographies
Alphonse Capone
Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5.... with his teacher, so she reproved him and he struck her for it. After this incident he quit school, never to return. He worked at many places such as a clerk in a candy store, a pinball setter in a bowling alley, then as a paper and cloth cutter. For a while Capone worked for Yale's Saloon as a bouncer, but only after making a rude comment to a woman caused her brother Frank Galluccio to come after Capone with a knife, cutting a 4" gash on his left cheek, only later to be recruited as a loyal bodyguard for Capone.
Street gangs soon proliferated in every slum of every city and the greater the foreign influx, the more numerous t .....
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Andy Warhol
Number of words: 1053 | Number of pages: 4.... understanding so much more about the society in which we live.
Warhol's Campbell's soup cans are arguably some of his most famous works. Warhol wanted us to look at the simple image of the can for what it represented to our culture. He challenged "old fashioned" critics to overcome their ideas of art as complex and incomprehensible by using simple, common images. Warhol's selection of the soup can may be the most important part of the work he did with them. He wanted to display his view of America and to him eating Campbell's soup represented being American. Andy wanted to explore these common images that are part .....
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Cal Ripken
Number of words: 671 | Number of pages: 3.... whole purpose in writing, or what was the motivation for the book other that to better understand the consecutive game streak that Ripken now holds. Doing the only thing that I know how to do. This simple statement is the thesis of the book. At first this is hard to believe, but the whole book describes it perfectly.
While growing up Ripken only two things: baseball and traveling. Hard work and games were part of his life. Ripken learns at an early age that he is not rich, not specifically talented, but a hard worker. He takes this attitude and applies it to baseball, following the example of his father. The simple for r .....
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Andrew Carnegie The Rise Of Bi
Number of words: 1249 | Number of pages: 5.... start. Losing everything they had didn't sit well with Andrew or his mother. The family left in shame and determined to make it in there new environment. Upon arriving they immediately set out for work. Will found door-to-door work with a loom, Margaret with shoe binding, and Andrew found work as a bobbin boy in a local textile mill. Andrew was a hard worker and had the ability to adapt to any type of work. He was offered a job as a messenger boy for a telegraph company and he jumped at the opportunity to get out of the terrible conditions of the mill. Andrew seemed to be in the right place at the right time for his advances. He .....
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Biographical Fact Sheet On James Fenimore Cooper
Number of words: 523 | Number of pages: 2.... in his third book, the autobiographical Pioneers (1823), Cooper introduced the character of Natty Bumppo, a uniquely American personification of rugged individualism and the pioneer spirit. A second book featuring Bumppo, The Last of the Mohicans written in 1826, quickly became the most widely read work of the day, solidifying Cooper's popularity in the U.S. and in Europe. Set during the French and Indian War, The Last of the Mohicans chronicles the massacre of the colonial garrison at Fort William Henry and a fictional kidnapping of two pioneer sisters. Cooper knew few Indians, so he drew on a Moravian missionary's account of t .....
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Adam Smith
Number of words: 4978 | Number of pages: 19.... upon British policy. Because the Declaration of Independence and
The Wealth of Nations, the political and economic reliations of empire and
mercantilism, appeared in the same year, historians have often designated 1776
as one of the turning points in modern history. The text On the cost of Empire,
the eloquent exhortation to the rulers of Britain to awaken from their grandiose
dreams of empire, is the closing passage of Smith's book.
Adam Smith was a Scottish political economist and philosopher. He has become
famous by his influential book The Wealth of Nations (1776). Smith was the son
of the comptroller of the customs at Kirkca .....
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Emerson And Thoreau
Number of words: 794 | Number of pages: 3.... attended Harvard as well, and that was where he was introduced to Emerson. He became fascinated with Emerson’s philosophy while sitting in on one of his lectures. Emerson became Thoreau’s mentor and advisor. A relationship that soon deepened to a friendship. Many people claim that Thoreau’s ideas were simply taken from Emerson’s, in fact, some critics call Thoreau Emerson’s miror. And although their philosophies greatly reflected one another, they differed in many ways as well.
Emerson’s writing focused on nonconformity and individuality. In his essay "Self-Reliance," he wrote, "Nothing is .....
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Ronald Reagan
Number of words: 1133 | Number of pages: 5.... Reagan was elected as the president of the Screen Actors Guild (the union for film actors) six times. He married Jane Wyman, had two children, but divorced her eight years later. He married Nancy Davis in 1952 and they had two more children. As president of the union, he tried to remove communists from the movie industry.
Reagan’s first national political scene was when he did a speech supporting Republican presidential candidate Senator Barry Goldwater. Even though Goldwater lost the election, he brought in money and praise from fellow Republicans around the country.
Governor of California
Reagan decided to r .....
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Cicero: Is Law Possible Without Virtue?
Number of words: 830 | Number of pages: 4.... the pragmatical problems faced by the universal community, by giving it armies, judges and powers; literally giving the community of mankind the powers it lacked through Rome.
"It is, indeed, my judgement, opinion, and conviction that of all forms of government there is none which for organising, distribution of power, and respect for authority is to be compared with that constitution which our fathers received from their ancestors and have bequeathed to us... The roman commonwealth will be the model; and to it shall apply, if I can, all that I must say about the perfect state." Cicero held the meaning of constitution to be in th .....
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Martin Luther: A Biography Of Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... 31 October 1517 drew up a list of 95 theses on indulgences denying the pope any right to forgive sins, and nailed them on the church door at Wittenberg. Tetzel retreated from Saxony to Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, where he published a set of counter-theses and burnt Luther's. The Wittenberg students retaliated by burning Tetzel's, and in 1518 Luther was joined in his views by Melanchthon.
The pope, Leo X, at first took little notice of this disturbance, but in 1518 summoned Luther to Rome to answer for his theses. His university and the elector interfered, and ineffective negotiations were undertaken by Cardinal Cajetan and b .....
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