Papers on People and Biographies
San Martin
Number of words: 1182 | Number of pages: 5.... and 1811.
Even though was loyal towards his mother country (Spain) when he fought against Napoleon, he disliked the traditional absolute monarchy and the existing colonial system. In 1811, he decided to resign from Spanish service. After meeting revolutionary Spanish Americans in London, England, he sailed for Buenos Aires, and was almost immediately taken into service in the revolutionary regime. As a very experienced soldier, he was a great asset in the revolutionary movement in South America.
Upon his arrival in Buenos Aires in March 1812, he was given the task of organizing an armed force to be used against the Spanish ro .....
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Francis Bacon's New Atlantis
Number of words: 1486 | Number of pages: 6.... to laymen. The belief that nature is
something to be vexed and tortured to the compliance of man will not satisfy
man nor laymen. Natural science finds its proper method when the 'scientist'
puts Nature to the question, tortures her by experiment and wrings from her
answers to his questions. The House of Solomon is directly related to these
thoughts. "It is dedicated to the study of Works and the Creatures of God"
(Bacon, 436). Wonder at religious questions was natural, but, permitted free
reign, would destroy science by absorbing the minds and concerns of men. The
singular advantage of Christianity is its irrationality. The .....
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Ernesto Guevara
Number of words: 590 | Number of pages: 3.... for guerrilla war tactics.
The tactics were those first used by Mao Tse-Tung. At this time, Ernesto
Guevara first was nick named "Che", which is Italian for pal.
The group invaded Cuba, where Che was commander of the revolutionary
army. From then on, he was known as the most aggressive, clever and successful
guerrilla officer. He also got the reputation for cold-blooded cruelty. One
reason for this reputation was because of his orders to mass execute followers
of the former Cuban president Batista. There after, Che Guevara was second only
to Castro in the government of Cuba.
As the years went on, Guevara ran the depart .....
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Helen Keller
Number of words: 1584 | Number of pages: 6.... darkness with very few ways to communicate with others around her. Obviously her attempts were not always successful. When she failed to communicate she would throw fits and have outburst that would upset not only her, but her family as well. Because of these violent fits, she appeared to be a very unruly child, but underneath all of the tragedy was a future inspirational figure that would surprise the world with amazing and countless abilities.
A large amount of Helen's accomplishments would not have been possible if it weren't for her mother and father. Her parents read about Samuel Gridley Howe's accomplishments with .....
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John Lennon
Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3.... underneath an injured, controlling, perfectionist.
By 1964, The Beatles arrived at JFK Airport. They were greeted with
mass hysteria. Two days later, more than 73 million people watched them perform
live on the Ed Sullivan Show. Four weeks later, The Beatles held the top five
music singles in America at the same time.
John was influenced by many things in 1965-1966 such as psychedelia,
marijuana, and Bob Dylan. Many felt that these years were the best song writing
years of John Lennon's life.
1966---The Beatles had been touring for over four years, and they,
especially John were tired of it. John wanted to spend more time .....
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Adam Smith
Number of words: 1033 | Number of pages: 4.... the goods. This is how the market worked at Smith’s time. However, the flaws with this theory are apparent in the examination of modern society.The second book that wrote was titled An Inquiry into the causes and Nature of the Wealth of Nations. It is believed to be a guide to the formulation of most governmental economic policies today. Its main thesis is that capital is best employed for the production and distribution of wealth with the government interfering as little as possible. Throughout this book, Smith stated his main theory. This theory was later known as economic liberalism. Smith believed in the term laissez-fai .....
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Shoeless Joe
Number of words: 574 | Number of pages: 3.... of all times. became a symbol of the powerful over the powerless. did not play with running shoes because he could not find a small shoe size to fit him. That is why he wears the name .
4. The first impression I get from the main character, Ray Kinsella, is that he is a man who loves baseball. He lives for it. He is a great father and husband. He plays ball with his family and he brings them to ball games. He likes to dream. He could sit all day long and dream. He also likes to improve the things that he loves to build. He worked hard at making a better baseball park.
5. Ray’s character does not really have a big t .....
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Colt: A Man And His Guns
Number of words: 970 | Number of pages: 4.... firearm. Some
think it may have come from watching the revolving wheel of the ship, turning
and locking. While on board ship, Colt must have seen other revolving firearms
in London or India. He carved a wooden model of his ideal gun while he was at
sea. None of what Colt may have previously seen on revolving guns could have
led to his invention. His ideas were not copied from any source, even though the
revolving idea was not unique.
When Colt arrived home from sea, he showed the wooden model to his
father and a family friend. This friend was Henry Ellsworth, Commissioner of
the United States Patent Office. Both C .....
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Thomas Jefferson Biography
Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3.... he also wrote many other documents dealing with the colonial protest of British rule. (3) A Summary View of the Rights of British America was a pamphlet denying right of Parliament to rule over the colonies. Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions because he was very concise and straight the point. (4) Jefferson was often turned to when skill with a pen was needed, as in the Declaration of Independence, but he also used his talent when his wished to voice his own opinions of what the principles of the nation should be.
Most of Jefferson’s values were expressed in his draft of the Declaration of Independe .....
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Ernest Hemingway - The Man And
Number of words: 2445 | Number of pages: 9.... who meant youth, angry with life itself after the war; drowning themselves in alcohol; sleeping away the days and sharing their beds with a new partner each night. Thus, Hemingway depicts America as a society with a profuse amount of twisted values. A constant theme runs through all of Hemingway’s work. That man can be defeated but not destroyed. Once such novel that depicts this, as well as American values, is A Farewell to Arms. During the course of the story, the two main characters lieutenant Frederick Henry and nurse Catherine Barkley, become the victims of a cruel and hostile age. Their love story, which starts in a field h .....
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