Papers on People and Biographies
1984: Winston's Hatred Of Big Brother
Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3.... that someone had feelings for
him. If Winston was totally under Big Brother's power he wouldn't have felt
the urge to return the love, and have the anxiety of wondering if she did
really love him rather then just throwing away the incriminating message.
Winston felt the feeling of hatred toward the Party and was willing to
search for the Brotherhood to try to overthrow the government.
O'Brien asked Winston and Julia, "...what are you prepared to do?"
Winston replied, "Anything that we are capable of ." Winston's strong
hatred toward the Party made him willing to murder, commit acts of sabotage,
to cheat, and commit suicide. F .....
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Mark Twain 4
Number of words: 1465 | Number of pages: 6.... seem to hear and feel the sounds the writer is trying to convey.
This is an example from Tom Sawyer :
"Set her back on the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! chow! ch-chow-wow! chow!".
(Twain 15). This dialect can be explained as a familiar speech spoken around us all the time. It is the speech of the illiterate, the preliterate, the children, and the poor people (Bloom 46). This is actually a very intelligent style of writing, for it is difficult for an author to write in a different level of dialect than they actually speak. The reader can tell that this dialect isn’t Twain’s own, since he doesn’t write .....
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Plato And Confucious
Number of words: 1827 | Number of pages: 7.... people of the city. He also feels that old men are afraid of death, and therefore less likely to risk torment in the afterlife by having selfish desires, such as for money. He believed that men would obey the laws in hopes of rewards and fear of punishment in this life and the next. He believed that the ruling regime must be most skilled at guarding the city with the interest of the city in their convictions. Plato believed that the regime once started, will roll on like a circle in its growth because of sound rearing and education producing good and sound natured offspring to carry on the order.(424a) He wanted a city ruled b .....
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Sir Isaac Newton
Number of words: 1054 | Number of pages: 4.... the Lucasian chair of Mathematics took Isaac under his wing and encouraged him. Newton got his undergraduate degree without accomplishing much and would have gone on to get his masters but the Great Plague broke out in London and the students were sent home. This was a truely productive time for Newton. He conducted experiments on sunlight and prisms. He discovered that sunlight was made up of different colors. This lead to his work on reflecting telescopes. At the same time he was working out his ideas of planetary motion. He returned to Cambridge in 1667 and became the a fellow, earned his MA and the following year became the ch .....
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Biography Of Andy Warhol
Number of words: 471 | Number of pages: 2.... popular culture, Warhol created many paintings that remain icons of 20th-century art, such as the Campbell's Soup Cans, Disasters and Marilyns. In addition to painting, Warhol made several 16mm films which have become underground classics such as Chelsea Girls, Empire and Blow Job. In 1968, Valerie Solanis, founder and sole member of SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) walked into Warhol's studio, known as the Factory, and shot the artist. The attack was nearly fatal.
At the start of the 1970s, Warhol began publishing Interview magazine and renewed his focus on painting. Works created in this decade include Maos, Skulls, Hammer and S .....
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Number of words: 1662 | Number of pages: 7.... a bad brawl. His town was a very aggressive town that liked to show each other their power by beating one another. Young Joseph was the one and only survivor out of his four siblings.
In 1888 began attending the Gori Church School, where he learned Russian, and excelled at his studies, winning a scholarship to the T’bilis Theological Seminary in the Georgian capital in 1894. began his studies at the seminary as a devout believer in Orthodox Christianity. He was soon exposed to the radical ideas of fellow students, however, and began to read illegal literature based on the works of German political philosopher Karl Marx. .....
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Thomas Jefferson: The Man, The Myth, And The Morality
Number of words: 753 | Number of pages: 3.... into a slave holding society, whose
family and admired friends owned slaves, who inherited a fortune that was
dependent on slaves and slave labor, decide at an early age that slavery
was morally wrong and forcefully declare that it ought to be abolished?”
(Wilson 66).
Wilson also argues that Jefferson knew that his slaves would be better off
working for him than freed in a world where they would be treated with
contempt and not given any real freedoms.
Another way that Thomas Jefferson shows his moral character is in his most
famous achievement, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. This
document is probably the most .....
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Andrew Jackson 2
Number of words: 959 | Number of pages: 4.... his position with the self-made aristocrats in his area. Soon with newfound political offices, he became a prominent member of the western aristocrats and consequently he became a first-generation aristocrat.
Jackson’s loathing of “Eastern Money Power” and the national bank began in 1796 with one incident that had a disastrous effect upon Jackson’s fortunes. This event sewed in him his dislike of “Eastern Money Power” and paper money system. Jackson had accepted notes from David Allison as payment for land that Jackson had sold him. Jackson then used those notes to buy supplies that .....
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Martin Luther King Jr
Number of words: 2258 | Number of pages: 9.... many of man's activities. During the Protestant Reformation, the term "calling" started to take on a new meaning. Fulfilling one's duty in worldly affairs became a task of extreme importance. gradually, fulfilling one's duty was not only important but it became the moral obligation of every individual (the highest form of moral activity). Before the Reformation, the Catholic Church did not believe that everyday world activities had a religious significance. As a result of Luther these world activities were quite important in adhering to God's wishes. Rather than devote one's life to worshipping God through prayer, and inste .....
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Frank Sinatra
Number of words: 755 | Number of pages: 3.... career and became the idol of the “bobby-soxers”. They were teenage girls who swooned over his crooning, soft-voiced singing. During this time period he also appeared in many film musicals such as, Anchors Aweigh (1945), Till the Clouds Roll By (1947), and On the Town (1949).
Sinatra is also well respected as a jazz singer. During the 1950s and 1960s Sinatra also teamed with a number of talented jazz arrangers, including Nelson Riddle, Neal Hefti, Quincy Jones, and Billy May. He produced a number of albums that are now regarded as classic recordings. These recordings include Swing Easy (1955), In the Wee Small .....
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