Papers on People and Biographies
Vincent Van Gogh
Number of words: 553 | Number of pages: 3.... 9 lithographs, and 1 etching) was documented in more
than 700 letters that he wrote to Theo and others.
Van Gogh's early years includes all his work from 1879 through 1885. Between
August 1879 and November 1885 he worked in Etten, The Hague--where he received
some instruction from his cousin, Anton Mauve and in Nuenen, among other places.
In Nuenen he painted The Potato Eaters, his first important picture, which
underscores his lifelong interest in peasant subjects.
During the winter of 1885-86 Van Gogh studied at the academy in Antwerp, where
he was forced to draw from plaster casts and to adopt academic principles that
did .....
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Biography Of Martin Luther King Jr.
Number of words: 335 | Number of pages: 2.... Lord created us all equal , and I'm going to see to that."
Over the years King was involved in many famous boycotts and
marches, but none of them matched his famous march in Washington. He gave a
speech that showed bigotry in the government. Now, just 20 years later, our
country is changing, and helping to change South Africa.
The key to all this success was Martin Luther King Jr. who showed
us that one man, nonviolently, could make a difference. Most of all he made
us realize that all men are created equal, and should be treated for what
they are, not limited by their appearance or anything else in this world. .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 1138 | Number of pages: 5.... Steven Henslow who
helped him regain his interest in nature. It was Henslow who was
influential in getting Darwin the position of naturalist on the boat The
Beagle. In April of 1831, he graduated from the University.
In the fall following his graduation, the government decided to
send the H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, to complete
an unfinished survey of Patagonia and Tierra Del Fuego to help map out the
shores of Chile and Peru. Th e voyage was to last two years. Darwin
volunteered his services without salary and offered to pay his own expenses
on the condition that he was allowed to keep all t .....
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Robert Frost And His Life
Number of words: 835 | Number of pages: 4.... left California and settled in Massachusetts. Frost attended high school in that state, entered Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. Returning to Massachusetts, he taughtschool and worked in a mill and as a newspaper reporter. In 1894 he sold "My Butterfly: An Elegy" to The Independent, a New York literary journal. A year later he married Elinor White, with whom he had shared valedictorian honors at Lawrence (Mass.) High School. From 1897 to 1899 he attended Harvard College as a special student but left without a degree. Over the next ten years he wrote (but rarely published) poems, operated a farm in Derry, N .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1567 | Number of pages: 6.... to make ends meet, so he ran up extremely
large gambling debts to trying make more money. Then he could not afford to go
to school anymore. John Allan refused to pay off Poe's debts, and broke off his
engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster. Since Poe had no other means of support, he
enlisted in the army. By this time however, he had written and printed his
first book, Tammerlane, and Minor Poems (1829).2
After a few months though, John Allan and Poe were reconciled. Allan
arranged for Poe to be released from the army and enrolled him at West Point.
During this time, his fellow cadets helped him publish another book of poetry. .....
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Rocky Marciano
Number of words: 2772 | Number of pages: 11.... tree in the Marchegiano's back yard....In hot weather, they usually finished their workouts by racing over to Saxton's Spring to get a cold drink of water."
Unfortunately, Rocky's experience of growing up in a multi-ethnic, working-class setting contributed to his involvement in a number of "altercations." Although most were territorial battles that took place at James Edgar Field, some occurred well beyond....
Even prior to his teenage years, Rocky's reputation for being a "really tough Italian kid" extended all the way over to the Bush, Brockton's Irish section. However, by the time he was 14, Rocky's notoriety as a baseball sl .....
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E. M. Forster
Number of words: 1019 | Number of pages: 4.... critiques and articles but never wrote any more novels. died on June 7, 1970.
Many critics are split on 's writings, although most things written are positive and they all seem to agree on the same things. His use of characters and their development and his story lines all seem to be the same and have the same theme. All the characters in his books seem to contain the same elements. They are exempt from poverty, hunger, lust, and hate. They seem to have almost perfect characteristics and are never poor. None of his characters are portrayed in a relation to society; and all must choose between good and evil. ( XXXXX, #2). T .....
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A Portrait Of Duke Ellington By Tracy Frech
Number of words: 1730 | Number of pages: 7.... point in his life things started to change for the better for Duke,
but not for long. In those days, this new music was just beginning to develop and
would later be given the name of jazz. In that time it was considered to be low
and vulgar because it was music that grew directly out of the Black culture. In
those early years, segregation was at one of its all time worst points in
history. I think that is why Duke Ellington was one of the most
important individuals to the growth and development of jazz. During Duke's long
career, the new music slowly spread out of bars and saloons, to dance and night
clubs and then eventually ont .....
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Walt Disney
Number of words: 1294 | Number of pages: 5.... 13). Walt did not take Roy’s leaving very well; neither did Mr. Disney. Mr. Disney would sometimes take his anger out on Walt.
Walt took drawing lessons at the Kansas City Art Institute, when their family was still in Kansas City (Montgomery 16). Walt’s family moved again before Walt was finished with high school – to Chicago (Montgomery 18). Left behind, Walt finished high school and relocated to Chicago (Montgomery 18). After moving to Chicago, Walt took art lessons at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts and studied cartooning by mail (Montgomery 19).
Walt became irritated with his father’s excessively hars .....
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Maya Angelou 3
Number of words: 254 | Number of pages: 1.... at that time was great for her services. She praised by her family, friends, and teachers for her excellent grades in all of her studies. Richard Rodriguez had what seemed to be a rocky start. He was slow to learn because he knew little English in school that is until the grammar-school nuns visited his parents and convinced them to speak in English. At these parts in time they both had come to a realization: Maya realized role of her culture and race provided for society, and Richard was slowly drifting away from his family and culture to where he was shunned by Hispanics and Euro-Americans.
Further along in their lives, Ma .....
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