Papers on Book Reports
Hands: Paranoia
Number of words: 1162 | Number of pages: 5.... of the school Master's effort to carry a dream into the young minds."(p.
884) This is a man that was run out of a town for something that was not a bad
thing. Nor was this something intended the wrong way. Mr. Myers did touch only
to pass on something great, a dream. Mr. Myers was run from a town. "They
intended to hang the school master."(p. 885) "As he ran away in the darkness
they repented their weakness and ran after him."(p. 885) Mr. Myers was so
paranoid about touching someone he would do anything to keep his hands from
doing so. "When he talked to George Willard, Wing Biddlebaum closed his fist and
beat with them upo .....
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The Power And The Glory
Number of words: 1241 | Number of pages: 5.... feelings in the reader. In the scene when the whiskey priest was put the crowded jail, for having liquor on him, Greene makes the scene so horrible that you can’t help but feel sorry for the priest. As Kenneth Allott said, “The crowded unseen figures in the dark seem like shapes from a Dore hell.”(182). In the scenes when the priest is traveling from town to town, the setting is very rough. Through dense forests and complete darkness, he travels and again, the reader feels pity for someone he doesn’t know but feels connected to because of being human. As Kenneth Allott said, “There is a blanketing sense of cru .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Forms Of Punishment
Number of words: 238 | Number of pages: 1.... In the book The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniele
Hawthorne, The protagonist, Hester Prynne, is punished for an act of
adultery. Her sentence was to bear a scarlet letter of "A" upon her
bosom. This punishment is a form of public humiliation. In the 1620's
this form of punishment was one of the severest sentences given. The
people would want the guilty to suffer in front of his fellow man. To
keep the person from hiding himself from his humiliation, they produced a
device that would hold the hands and the head of the culprit in front of
everyones view. According to Hawthorne,"There is no outrage more
flagrant...than the culpri .....
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Into The Wild
Number of words: 462 | Number of pages: 2.... was living his life for himself. He wanted to be happy and it happened to upset his parents. Wanting your own happiness is not selfish it is your right. I don’t think that McCandless was trying to upset his family, he was just trying to make himself happy by doing what he wanted to do. One of the reasons that I believe McCandless did not keep in contact with his parents while he kept in touch with those he met along the way is because he was afraid of disapproval. His parents had never been to find of his “adventures” so he didn’t want to hear them voice their disapproval. The people he met along .....
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Bram Stoker's Dracula: Anti-Christianity
Number of words: 1515 | Number of pages: 6.... Another time when the Host is used as a deterrence of vampires is at the time Van Helsing and the other men are going to leave Mina alone in the house. Van Helsing touches a Host to Mina’s forehead and it burns into her head since she, herself, was unclean. Another abstruction of the Christian religion would be the fact that Dracula sleeps in a coffin and especially because the dirt in his coffin is consecrated and Dracula, being evil, uses this ground to rest in. Dracula has several of the powers that Christians believe no one but God could control. For instance, Dracula can control the weather, wild or unclean .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities: Reversal Of Characters
Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2.... Defarge.
She is first portrayed as a woman of principle who is helping her husband with
the revolution. However, Madame Defarge makes a startling metamorphosis from
supporting character to antagonist when she is revealed to be the shadow. She
is shown to be cruel and petty, not the compassionate woman one would assume of
a leader of a revolution against tyranny. This part of the novel casts a
shadow of doubt over the rest of the characters, and one begins to question the
validity of all the characters.
Finally, the French people themselves start out as downtrodden and
miserable victims of a corrupt system. But it is illus .....
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Wuthering Heights (comments)
Number of words: 1965 | Number of pages: 8.... where he observes the growing love between Cathy and Hareton (chapter17, Vol.2). Lockwood comes back some months later and Nelly tells him the end of the story, which is also the end of Heathcliff, and the future wedding of Hareton and Cathy.
Mr. Earnshaw found him in Liverpool and he took him to Wuthering Heights. His origins are unknown and this gives him an air of mystery.
As a child, the first impressions we get of him are through Nelly’s words; for her, he is “a dirty, ragged, black-haired child”, “as dark almost as if it came from the devil” (chapter 4,vol.1). But .....
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Grapes Of Wrath: An Undaunted Journey
Number of words: 467 | Number of pages: 2.... land turtle across a desolate highway. From the onset of his
journey, the turtle encounters many set backs. All along the way he is
hindered by ants, hills, and oak seeds under his shell. The turtles
determination to reach his destination is most apparent when a truck driven
by a young man swerves to hit the turtle. The turtle's shell was clipped
and he went flying off the highway, but stop the turtle did not. He
struggled back to his belly and kept driving toward his goal, just as the
Joads kept driving toward their goal.
Much like the turtle from chapter three, the Joads had to face many
great hardships in their travels. T .....
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Miltons Paradise Lost
Number of words: 853 | Number of pages: 4.... friend. After seeing this young girl at a basketball game, Lester succumbs to his delusion of a new and improved life. What he does not realize is that his motivation for this change is superficial, rather than earnest. Lester quits his job, gets a job in a fast food drive-through, buys drugs from his neighbor's son, and buys a sports car he has wanted for years. Lester's reaction to his unhappy life causes dismay to the lives of those around him, which ultimately causes his death. All of this may have been avoided if he had only read and understood the central themes of Paradise Lost.
One of the most obvious connections to .....
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A Separate Peace: Adolescence
Number of words: 2121 | Number of pages: 8.... during the story by Phineas’ more outgoing personality.
While reading this story I was under the impression that Gene was a very smart person. Then once he began to spend time with Finny, the two boy’s personalities started to combine. Usually when this happened the boys did things that were against the rules. An example of this is when Finny talked Gene into skipping school and going to the beach. “The beach was hours away by bicycle, forbidden, completely out of all bounds. Going there risked expulsion, destroyed the studying I was going to do for an important test the next morning, blasted the reasonabl .....
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