Papers on Book Reports
The Mayor Of Casterbridge
Number of words: 729 | Number of pages: 3.... and unusual. A simple deduction in his pay would have been suitable, Henchard however decides to humilate him. Hardy is showing that, even in the most powerful people, human flaws make people do the worst of things. Hardy further shows this in Henchard’s relationship with Donald Farfrae. Farfrae is a young Scottish man that Henchard woes to become the manager of Henchard’s wheat business. As time passes, Henchard becomes wealthier because of Farfrae’s talents. Farfrae becomes the intergral part of Henchard’s business. Without Farfrae, Henchard’s business would collapse. Henchard knows this, but his .....
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One Messy Situation (book Thei
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Review For A Canticle For Leib
Number of words: 383 | Number of pages: 2.... nearly as reliable as Francis' frail desert faith.
The last section of the novel shows the first Earth colonists arriving at Alpha Centauri. There is another nuclear explosion and the threat of another apocolypse, but the real question hinges upon suicide. Government sanctioned euthanasia has encroached upon the monastery of Leibowitz, both physically, in the form of a euthenasia station, and spiritually, as the abbot and a doctor spar over ethics and scripture.
As a whole, the view of history, faith, and "truth" depicted in A Canticle for Leibowitz is quite dark and thought-provoking without being preachy. K .....
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Sense And Sensibility: A Summary
Number of words: 1137 | Number of pages: 5.... is impulsive, outspoken, full of a vibrant love
of life and playful. To fully understand the girls, it is important to see
how other character viewed them.
Edward Ferrars, the object of Elinor's affection (though she would
never show it) is quoted as saying Miss Dashwoods friendship the most
important of his life. This is a considerable compliment (even if it isn't
what Elinor wants to hear at the time) coming from a man as highly esteemed
as Mr. Ferrars . Elinor is viewed by her mother and her two sisters as a
saving grace, someone to depend on. To a certain extent this is true, but
Elinor also has problems and she doesn't .....
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Les Miserables: Jean Proves That He Is Trustworthy
Number of words: 611 | Number of pages: 3.... letter from
Marius, a young man that is in love with Cossete. The letter is addressed
to Cossete, and even though Jean Valjean regrets the possibility of Cossete
leaving him, he turns the letter over to her. Jan Valjean proves that he
does not have a mind of a criminal and could be trustworthy.
Jean Valjean shows that he does not care about himself, and that he
has only a dedication on helping others. When Jean Valjean first enters
the city of M____ sur M____ he goes to drastic measures by pulling two
children from a burning house. Throughout the story Jean Valjean risks
being identified by the officials and death by .....
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A Summary Of Martin Luther, Lectures On Galatians
Number of words: 557 | Number of pages: 3.... 7), conscience/joy, works/faith, earthly/heavenly, Adam/Jesus, sin/righteousness, death/eternal life, flesh/spirit, Law/Christ (p. 9), Law/grace, Moses the lawgiver/Christ the savior (p. 10). These follow the dualism which Paul describes: "What the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other." (Galatians 5:1)
In explaining the doctrine of justification by faith, Luther takes Paul's statement that Christ "gave Himself for our sins" (Galatians 1:4), and elaborates: "For if our sins can be removed by our own satisfactions, why did the Son of God ha .....
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Dostoevsky's Crime And Punishment: Raskolnikov's Mathematical Evaluation Of Moral Dilemma Presented To Him Exemplifies The Empirical View Of Utilitarianism
Number of words: 1714 | Number of pages: 7.... of deliberating about the act of murder in such a
mathematical manner. He might contend that Raskolnikov's reasoning, and the
entire theory of utilitarianism, cannot be used to judge morality because it
rejects individual rights and contains no moral absolutes.
A utilitarian bases his belief upon two principles: the theory of right
actions and the theory of value. These two principles work together and serve
as criteria for whether or not a utilitarian can deem an action morally right.
First, the theory of right action argues that the morally right decision is the
one whose consequences are at least as good as any other a .....
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The Cask Of Amontillado: Lyman
Number of words: 693 | Number of pages: 3.... blood. Upon the purchase of the vehicle, however, they are brought together by a common interest: the car. Once the bond is formed, for some time the brothers are inseparable. For a whole summer the boys stay out in the car having adventures, meeting new people and furthering the bond that the car has created.
When they return from their trip, Henry is sent to war and he leaves the car to Lyman. While Henry is gone, Lyman spends his time pampering and fixing the car. Lyman sees the car almost as Henry himself or an extension of him. Again, even though they are thousands of miles apart, the car still serves as somewhat of .....
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Catcher In The Rye: Point Of View, Locations, And Characterization
Number of words: 815 | Number of pages: 3.... him the way I did.” Here Holden was stating his thoughts on his roommate. The quote suggests that the roommate was fake because he would appear well groomed, but underneath he was a slob. The majority of the story was about Holden contemplating over the faults of society. Holden’s views were the focus of the story, and without the use of first person Holden’s external conflict would not have been fully expressed.
To add to Holden’s views about society, J.D. Salinger used different scenarios. Broadway was one instance used to show Holden’s disgruntled attitude toward society. Broadway consisted of many actors a .....
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A Clockwork Orange (book Analy
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