Papers on Book Reports
"The Anniversary" And "To His Coy Mistress": The Synchronicity Of Pen And Life
Number of words: 1943 | Number of pages: 8.... now progressed so smoothly, as all good fantasies must if they are to
be successful. We begin to question this world of Marvell's creation and
see the enigma that lies within the term "lower rate." We have been
hearing of an agonizingly slow mating ritual, Marvell has been patiently
dancing around his mistress, praising her every aspect with a devotion that
approaches what one would offer to the divine. How, we ask, can he slow
down to a "lower rate?"
This is not the only striking aspect of the first stanza. We know
that Marvell is speaking of a state we are unfamiliar with and in its
unfamiliarity lies the force of his ar .....
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The Black Cat Literary Critici
Number of words: 739 | Number of pages: 3.... normal human being would caught his own loved cat and cut his eye out. At this point reader can clearly see that narrator has some mental problems. But once again the story surprises us by shocking act of the narrator. In cold blood he takes his cat hung him on a tree.
The resolution to the conflict is very simple. Since the character got ride of the Pluto, he felt that he was missing something. He simply bought a new cat. Therefore instead of tranquilization he found his new pet even worse enemy than Pluto. Soon the cat becomes his obsession and once again reader is confused what is causing this sudden change in narrator .....
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A Worn Path: Phoenix Jackson And Symbols
Number of words: 863 | Number of pages: 4.... believe the conflicts were put in the story to show us the inner feeling of Phoenix. She was able to endure hardships and stay focused on the task at hand. This tells us while she was growing up she over came many obstacles. Usually Welty reserved for her black characters the functions of this vital, sure and faithful, ways of living of which modern man has either lost or denied. Phoenix Jackson represents the condition of the human race before “enfeebling” layers of civilization anesthetized it. Although primitive, Phoenix is centered in and directed toward the value of life, the path worn by habit of hope. She possesses tha .....
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The Genji Monogatari
Number of words: 2172 | Number of pages: 8.... in which the character appears to the clothes that they wear to
the portion of Genji's palace that they inhabit, without a more than casual
appreciation to nature in reading this novel a great chunk of the literary
value is lost. "[Murasaki} is not content simply to describe the charms of
the different seasons, but they are skillfully harmonized with the feelings
of the characters" (Shinkokai, 1970 p.55). The first example of this is in
the Broom Tree Chapter (Chapter 2) in the conversation that Genji and To no
Chujo carry on at length about the various merits of the ideal lady
(Seidensticker, 1976 p 20) . The scene takes p .....
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The Cask Of Amontillado
Number of words: 870 | Number of pages: 4.... the Amontillado. This intrigued Fortunato’s senses because Montresor knew that Fortunato “prided himself in the connoisseurship of wine”. Montressor nonchalantly replies to Fortunato concerning the wine, “I have my doubts”. In other words, he blatantly blows Fortunato’s ego here by doubting his ability to detect Amontillado, this fine wine. To push this further, Montresor goes on to say that, “. . .I am on my way to Luchresi. If any has a critical turn it is he.”, and this gives Fortunato more of an urge to prove himself as the greatest connoisseur of wine in the city. Montresor, sneaky in the way he lured Fo .....
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Great Gatsby Color Symbolism
Number of words: 677 | Number of pages: 3.... “Green with envy.”
In like manner, green is also used to symbolize money. In the story, money controls the life of the people in the story. Gatsby feels that he needs green money to live and to impress Daisy. Symbols of Gatsby’s money included his large green lawn and the green ivy growing up his house. Also, in his car, it depicts the passengers sitting “in a sort of green leather conservatory.” All of these symbols depict Gatsby’s money.
In contrast to green, yellow and gold are used to be an example of old money, unlike green that is used to depict the new money of gold. Tom could be seen as .....
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Sit-Down Book Report
Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2.... Murphy’s role was to mediate, but he was on General Motors side.
He insisted that the sit-downers get basic human right’s such as food, heat,
and water. Murphy also controlled the police and National Guard. They shot
and killed several strikers. After it was all over Martin and the United Auto
workers emerged victorious.
The strike started in Flint on December 30,1936. The GM factories
were described as a mess, because of the lack of sanitation. There was also
spare parts and other miscellaneous weapons used against the cops in the
Battle of the Running Bulls laying around in Flint factories everywhere. In
fact t .....
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Number of words: 286 | Number of pages: 2.... live in this strange new environment quickly. He
has to make many painful changes and ends up a completely new person with a
new outlook on life.
Hatchet is written in an interesting way. The author, Gary Paulsen has
written “Hatchet” in two styles. First person and 3rd person. He will often
start a paragraph with one word. This word sums up what Brian is thinking.
For example: Starving.
Then he will go on about what Brian is thinking as Brian in a more detailed
The other way he writes is in 3rd person. He will describe what Brian is
thinking, and/or doing. An example of this is when Brian is hunting deer
for the fi .....
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Notes From The Underground: Underground Man
Number of words: 901 | Number of pages: 4.... bad things is because he does not know his own interests. The Underground Man does not really believe that though. He thinks only innocent, naïve people believe it is that easy. In reality, man knows his interests but continues to pursue other things.
The Underground Man has his perspective on life, which is for once close to the way it really is. He does not contradict his opinion on this topic, so you conclude that he really believes it and is not just speaking to confuse you the way he has before.
People are completely convinced that bad habits can be removed with common sense and science. This is where the Undergroun .....
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Literaranalysis- All Quiet On
Number of words: 492 | Number of pages: 2.... of the big issues in the book was Kemmerich’s leather boots. At his death everybody was squabbling over who would get them. Remarque, in my opinion, shows you the pettiness between good friends because of war. Remarque kind of slips in these themes, some others are how terrible war really is, friendship is a must to stay alive on the battlefield, and World War I destroyed a generation.
During the time period of All Quiet on the Western Front the Russian were rebelling against Czar Nicholas II. Eventually him and his entire family were killed, and so began communist Russia. Also during this time European countries were coloni .....
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