Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Book Review: Impact Of Tourism On Mountain Environment
Number of words: 1073 | Number of pages: 4.... few positives that came along with the commercialization of Mount Everest.
One of the articles I focused on the most is titled; Impact of Tourism on the Ecosystem of Nepal. It discussed in great detail how important the land and its uses are to the people of the Himilayas. At many of the bases of the mountain there is little vegetation and forest remaining to cover the lower slopes. This article made it very clear that man was creating a very big problem to the ecosystem of the Everest region.
All of the articles were very clear and concise in the way they presented their facts. It was proven that there is pollution all along .....
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A Look At Lsd And The Counter Culture Movement
Number of words: 1704 | Number of pages: 7.... drugs like LSD and psilocylin have been embedded in the roots of human evolution. Many of the early Eastern and South American cultures devoted these drugs as tools able to help clear the disorder of the mind and help in achieving a higher level of conscience thinking. Little was known of the effects to these primitive spiritual tools too much of the modern Western world, until Leary and his colleagues entered the scene in the 1960’s.
Timothy Leary was a young, prestigious Harvard professor of psychology during the 1960’s. He was very interested in how the mind worked and in the ways that it might be p .....
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Deceptive Advertising
Number of words: 2436 | Number of pages: 9.... of advertising like transportation ads along with the use of pictures, trade names, display materials, labels, sales talks, sales letters, price lists and catalogs. As any consumer can see, advertisers have many means by which they can “trick” or deceive us consumers into buying products not planned for.
Unlike most tort cases that are decided in the courtroom by a judge, most deceptive advertisement claims are turned over to governmental agencies like the Federal Trade Commission. Agencies like the FTC are better suited to handle these cases because they have the necessary expertise to make proper decisions.
So before an .....
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Quit Watching Me!
Number of words: 804 | Number of pages: 3.... the latest innovations in electronic monitoring, which is done by purchasing and installing software in the companies computer system. Once the software is installed, it will be able to do a variety of types of electronic monitoring from keystroke counting and accuracy, time how long it takes to make a transaction, and how long the computer has been on idle. This type of electronic monitoring that involves advanced technology and “the constant monitoring to measure employees’ performance creates an enormous amount of pressure and stress…the stress that is created by monitoring has caused serious physical effects .....
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Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... ages of 8
and 11 you have a choice of racing a 65cc or an 80cc dirtbike. If you are
between the ages of 12 and 15 you could race in the 80 cc or 125 cc class. If
you are 16 years old or older you can race 125cc dirtbikes or larger.
Secondly, there are also a wide variety of dirtbikes. Some dirtbikes are
modified to fit giant motorcycle engines into them. Dirtbike sizes vary from a
weak 50cc engine, to the mighty, powerful 600cc engine. There are also many
different brands of dirtbikes. Some of the main brands are Honda, Yamaha,
Kawasaki, Suzuki, and KTM, so you might want to do a little research on them
before you buy one.
O .....
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Drugs And The Internet
Number of words: 1258 | Number of pages: 5.... through websites, Usenet, email, and countless other media plagues our society, especially the impressionable youth. The encouragement of drug use, and avocation of different methods of drug use enhancement is certainly harmful to society; the real question at hand is whether the U.S. government, or any institution for that matter, has an ethical authority to censor, regulate, maintain, or altogether ban sites that advocate illegal drug use.
With a simple search on the Netscape version of the Excite search engine, one can find a veritable gold mine of information on illegal drug use. Illegal drug use, in fact, seems to be the onl .....
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The United States Has Changed From A Melting Pot To A Vast Culture With Varying Racial Backgrounds.
Number of words: 711 | Number of pages: 3.... nation is fading off the continent. In the old days, immigrants were taught in English in the public schools. (76). In America today, children are taught in German, Italian, Polish, and 108 other languages. Most of these schools are funded by 139 million federal dollars.
Until recently, emigrants in the United States longed for admittance in society's mainstream. Now these groups demand separation from society, to be able to preserve and conserve their customs and languages. The biggest problem with this demand, is whatever accommodation takes place, must be done and accepted by the receiving society (Chavez 60). .....
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Women In Western Religion
Number of words: 2960 | Number of pages: 11.... a time when women were property and were "trained" to be weak and fragile. This stopped only about thirty years ago. Before this time, society taught women from birth to be submissive to men. What does this mean to us today? It means that although American society is no longer training women to be submissive, the problem is still present in our belief system. Many churches do not believe that women should be part of the clergy. This is because they interpret parts of the Bible, such as 1 Timothy 2:11-12, as saying that only men should preach.
Along with the belief that women must be submissive and silent, there is also th .....
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History Of Lacrosse
Number of words: 2459 | Number of pages: 9.... so in using their info I tamed down the language, but some of the information is still seemingly biased, but in my points and opinions I will be more objective.
Lacrosse is the oldest team sport played in North America by anyone. But beyond that it was an influential part of a society now mostly defunct. The is rich in many ways, in its traditions, rituals, and ceremonies.
The game of lacrosse had many styles of play based on the area the tribe was located, it also had different names, all meaning about the same. Their sticks were how they played but more importantly it was their way of life. This was true because lacross .....
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Number of words: 1283 | Number of pages: 5.... its meaning.
A key word used in this ad is "Strapped." The word "Strapped" implies that when you wear Nike shoes you will get a secure tight fit in the shoe. This makes the viewer think that he/she will be able to pedal with strength and the force of a train. Therefore the ad makes you think that the shoes will give one the power of a train engine and in the viewer's eyes makes the Nike biking shoes a superior product to own. Another key words that are used in this ad are "Machine." Machine gives people the thought of something that is close to perfect and doesn't get tried. Wearing Nike shoes allows the wearer to posse .....
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