Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Money And Information
Number of words: 4719 | Number of pages: 18.... of the distinction between economic crime and organised crime residual elements remain. The global network has made economic crime more lucrative, more anonymous, and therefore less risky. The focus of this essay will be on the part that European countries play in facilitating global computer crime and the role and motivation of corporations and individual actors within a European setting.
In order to present this essay with some element of clarity it is necessary at first to distinguish between the different areas of computer crime that I will be discussing. Crime committed with the aid of computers can be separated into fou .....
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Number of words: 369 | Number of pages: 2.... -- things that young people
(ages 12 to 18) need to grow up healthy. Search show that these developmental assets are the building blocks that help young people make positive, healthy choices as they grow from children to teenagers to adults.
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build
healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
All of the programs nurture spirit, mind and body and incorporate the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, based on the teachings of our Judeo-Christian heritage. These are indispensable qualities if children are to thrive and become healthy in spirit, mi .....
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The Rajahs Of The Western Worl
Number of words: 1606 | Number of pages: 6.... themselves as the successful breadwinners it is their wives who make ends meet - yet all is done so that Hialmar and Willy can believe and live in their dreams: they are the mollified husbands.
Although Hialmar was spoilt by his aunts who took care of him, it seems that both he and Willy got used to being mollified by their wives. The personality of Gina and Linda are much the same. They both love their husbands and try to manage their affairs so that they do not worry the men. Gina and Linda both do the accounts in the house remembering payments and loans and try to make the money they have last for as long as possible, even if .....
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Number of words: 1554 | Number of pages: 6.... Rebel Group ELN is one of the many terrorist groups known to have a web page on the Internet. The ELN is known mainly for blowing up oil rigs in South America, and for kidnaping foreign executives. Most groups like the ELN uses the Internet to simply tell other's around the world about there organization and to soften there image from what is heard about them in the news.
The FBI is very concerned about cyber terrorist, for fear that one might begin an electronic attack, which could shut down power plants, or airports vital to the U.S.
"So far it seems terrorist are not abusing the information super highway, but using it. It .....
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Comparison Between Greek And Islamic Mythology
Number of words: 461 | Number of pages: 2.... Islamic
mythology doesn't include how Allah came about. It says that Allah is the
only creator of all planets, which include earth. So eventually there is no
other god besides Allah. In which the prophet Mohammed is the only hero in
Islamic mythology because he was the one who spread Islam.
The comparison for these two myth is that there is god and hero in
both myth. But a contrast for these two myth is that Greek mythology has
plenty of gods and goddesses but Islamic mythology has only one god and one
hero, which that one god is Allah and the one hero is Mohammed. In Greek
myth, when gods and goddesses got married and when the .....
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Number of words: 453 | Number of pages: 2.... example of
this is Joel Chaken from New York City. He quit his job as an engineer to stay
at home with his baby. His wife was an attorney. After a while he felt
isolated at home all the time, and ne wanted to join a support group for new
mothers who felt the same way. He was kicked out because he was not a mom, he
was a superdad. Men need support groups of their own, for fathers.
Even though there is an increasing number of dads taking care of their
children, the court system rarely gives full custody to fathers. When superdads
get custody of their children, they find it very rewarding to get closer to
their kids. They als .....
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The Simpsons 3
Number of words: 2512 | Number of pages: 10.... hairdo, and three obnoxious spiky haired children. Groening intended for them to represent the typical American family "who love each other and drive each other crazy". Groening named the characters after his own family. His parents were named Homer and Margaret and he had two younger sisters named Lisa and Maggie. Bart was an anagram for "brat". Groening chose the last name "Simpson" to sound like the typical American family name. (Varhola, 2)
Brooks decided to put the 30 or 60 second animations on between skits on The Tracy Ullman Show on the unsuccessful Fox network. Cast members Dan Castellaneta and Julie Kavner did the .....
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Number of words: 559 | Number of pages: 3.... influence. He struggle in
his life, and this help him with his writing. Emerson was transcendentalist.
Emerson did lot of writing. One of them was " Nature ". One of his
transcendentalist sentence was, " I become a transparent eyeball. " With his
inner soul, he really become it, it was real, what he feels. He wouldn't be
able to smell or to talk to anybody, and he didn't needed to listen. With his
eyeball, he was able to see everything, very far. The word he use, "
transparent,'' I think is that because he was so lonely, he felt transparent.
Another writer of that time, was Thoreau. He studied in Harvard.
He .....
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Methods Of Therapy
Number of words: 4743 | Number of pages: 18.... ailments. When we think of therapy after an accident of some sort such as an automobile collision, we generally tend to term this physical therapy. Following a similar thought process then, would lead us to believe that there is a term for mental therapy, and there is, Psychotherapy. The text book defines psychotherapy as "a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that brings psychological principles to bear on influencing the client's thoughts, feelings or behavior to help that client overcome abnormal behavior or adjust to problems in living". With this definition in mind, we are now in a position to answe .....
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Number of words: 4788 | Number of pages: 18.... 1865) Most of these institutions prove to be more cruel than direct . Due to insufficient hospital staff and the inefficiency of adoption procedures, human babies died in misery from sheer neglect. (Piers, 14,82)
There are no available statistics that demonstrate an increase in the incidence of during the mid-Victorian years. Yet there is no doubt that there was a dramatic increase in public and professional concern about the issue during this time. Newspapers, quarterlies, professional journals and parliamentary papers alike described as an "growing epidemic" and a "national disgrace". Dramatic cases often preoccupied .....
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