Papers on People and Biographies
Jackson, Andrew
Number of words: 503 | Number of pages: 2.... it had just been the wealthy that could vote and run for office now all white men could participate.
These new voters wanted a President who was just like them, they wanted someone they could relate to. Van Buren would help to put Jackson in office by presenting Jackson has a people's president. He presented him as someone just like them, someone who knew where they were coming from. Jackson's party would be known as the democrats. They were in favor of a smaller government, and thought the states should have more control over issues. One such issue Jackson thought states should have control of was the national road. He believ .....
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Gailileo 3
Number of words: 679 | Number of pages: 3.... (believer in the Theories of Copernicus). No public sign of this belief was to
appear until many years later.
In the summer of 1609, Galileo heard about a spyglass that a Dutchman had shown
in Venice. From these reports, and using his own technical skills as a mathematicians and
a workman, Galileo made a series of telescopes whose optical performance was much
better than that of the Dutch instrument. The astronomical discoveries he made with his
telescopes were described in a short book called Message from the Stars published in
Venice in May 1610. It caused a sensation. Galileo .....
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Is It Really Bad To Disobey?
Number of words: 679 | Number of pages: 3.... a nervous breakdown and his family was split up. He was haunted by this early nightmare for most of his life.
The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both became the image of the African- American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. Martin Luther King believed that through peaceful demonstrations, blacks would be able to someday get full equality with whites. Malcolm X’s despair about life was reflected in his angry belief that equality was impossible because whites had no moral conscience. King basical .....
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Nathan Bedford Forrest
Number of words: 738 | Number of pages: 3.... commander, Colonel Bragg. Bragg demanded that Forrest turn his troops over, but Forrest threatened him with bodily harm. The incident went unreported, and Bragg reassigned Forrest further west.
Forrest was an individual who did not believe in letting anyone who was fighting against him win and live. Sometimes, when the Union Army retreated from him, he would pursue them for days, still attacking. One of the things Forrest never did was surrender. Even as the war was nearing the end, Forrest said that if he would have to go into Mexico and fight he would. In 1865, Forrest's group was the last one to surrender to the Union Ar .....
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Number of words: 2020 | Number of pages: 8.... evangelical after a year at the Benedictine University in nearby Salzburg; Leopold stopped attending classes to pursue a career as a musician. "Leopold figured as ’s most important first model. He taught his son the clavier and composition"(Mercardo 763). Wolfgang’s mother Anna-Maria brought as much talent to her 32-year marriage as did Leopold. Though deprived of a formal education, she was highly intelligent and quick-witted— qualities that attracted the sober and reserved Leopold. Only two of their seven children survived infancy. Wolfgang’s musically talented sister Nannerl was five years older. Yet in thi .....
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Aum Shinkyria
Number of words: 531 | Number of pages: 2.... realized his own divine appointment and religious calling.” While performing his normal religious routine, Asahara claimed to have been visited by the Hindu God Shiva. He also began to inform people that he had been given special powers that allowed him to do such things as levitate, see the future, read people’s minds, make his “wishes” come true, see through solid objects, enter the fourth dimension, talk to God, etc. He pulled together a large following by leafleting and street corner proselytizing. He also had computer, book, and noodle stores in which he would recruit members. By “recruit& .....
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Number of words: 794 | Number of pages: 3.... an intercepted message, staged his own ambush. This was the first American victory in Northern Africa. The Allied forces, Gen. Montgomery, and Gen. , had divided and destroyed the German North African Core. recommended a plan used by the Ancient Greeks for the invasion of Italy.
wanted to lead the attack on Sicily. This plan was rejected. Montgomery would lead the invasion on Sicily. The goal was to capture Messina , In charge of the seventh Army, and Omar Bradley in charge of the second Armored Division would cover Montgomery's flank. Montgomery ended up taking 's road due to resistance. This allowed to capture Pal .....
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Jack Kevorkian
Number of words: 1715 | Number of pages: 7.... She was 54 years old and lived in a wealthy Oregon suburb with her stock broker husband, Ron. She was also the mother of three sons, taught English and piano, went hang gliding, trekked in Nepal, climbed Mount Hood, and generally behaved with a lot of energy (Gutmann 20). She and her husband were longtime Hemlock society members, which advocates Euthanasia in some cases (Betzold 22). ³Doctors at a Portland hospital told her that eventually she would be dependent on her husband for feeding and bathing² (Gutmann 21). She did not want to take her own life in case she messed it up, and her own doctors wouldn¹t help her (Hen .....
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Thomas Paine
Number of words: 799 | Number of pages: 3.... he arrived in Philadelphia, Paine noticed the
tension, and the rebellious attitude, that was continually getting larger, after
the Boston Tea Party.
In Paine's opinion, the Colonies had all the right to revolt against a
government that imposed taxes on them, and which did not give them the right of
representation in the Parliament at Westminster. Then he went one massive step
further, he decided there was no reason for the Colonies to stay dependent on
England. He published his opinions in the American independence pamphlet Common
In Common Sense Paine states that sooner or later Independence from
England must come, b .....
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Marilyn Monroe 2
Number of words: 1062 | Number of pages: 4.... 1935 to June 1937. Grace frequently visited her, taking her to the movies, buying clothes and teaching her how to apply makeup at her young age. Norma Jeane was to later live with several of Grace's relatives.
In September 1941 Norma Jeane was again living with Grace when she met Jim Dougherty, 5 years her senior. Grace encouraged the relationship and on learning that she and her husband would be moving to the East Coast, set in motion plans for Norma Jeane to marry Dougherty on June 19, 1942.
Dougherty joined the Merchant Marines in 1943 and in 1944 was sent overseas. Norma Jeane, while working in a factory inspecting parac .....
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