Papers on People and Biographies
Carlos Santana
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2.... like the T.J.'s, where he added a unique touch and feel to his own renditions of all the great songs of the 1950's. As he continued to play with different bands along the busy Tijuana Strip, he not Page Two only started to perfect his style and sound, but actually started bringing home enough money to really help his family. His future looked promising. In 1960, Carlos' family moved to San Francisco while Carlos stayed in Tijuana for another year to make extra money until his family was settled. However, he soon found himself amid the multicultural atmosphere of San Francisco, with all of its diverse musical styles. It was here tha .....
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The Life Of Edgar Allen Poe
Number of words: 1934 | Number of pages: 8.... (Woodberry 20). At 15 Poe was the Lieutenant of the Junior Morgan Riflemen. Poe was then reviewed by the famous Marquis De Lafayette. Poe’s grandfather General Poe is where Poe most likely got his military influence from.
In 1826 Poe enrolled into the University of Virginia. Poe wanted to become a translator. Poe was considered to be "precisely correct" (Moldavia). Poe also loved debating. The student life at the University of Virginia in 1826 was very chaotic. In one student riot the students threw bottles and bricks at the professors. In Poe’s letters to John Allen he often talked of violence on campus. He on .....
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John Muir's Trail In History
Number of words: 1543 | Number of pages: 6.... the fullest and devote everything he had to nature.
At the age of 29, Muir made a thousand-mile walk from Indianapolis to
Florida for the sheer pleasure of being outdoors. This experience enlightened
Muir and compelled him to extend his travels. With his family's blessings (his
wife and two daughters), he began to wander America's forests, mountains,
valleys, and meadows extensively. Alone and on foot, he filled his notebooks
with sketches and descriptions of the plants, animals, and trees that he loved.
He later took trips around the world, including destinations such as Europe and
South America. There he explored the .....
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Jeffrey Dahmer
Number of words: 2033 | Number of pages: 8.... straightforward in recognising the negative influences in Jeff's life. No family is perfect. Jeff's mother had various physical ailments and appeared to be high strung, coming from a background in which her father's alcoholism deeply affected her life.
Lionel, a chemist who went on to get his Ph.D., stayed at work more often than he should to avoid
Turmoil on the home front. Eventually, the marriage dissolved in divorce when Jeff was eighteen.
However, none of this commonplace domestic discord accounts for serial murder, necrophilia, etc.
Jeff Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960, to Lionel and Joyce Dahm .....
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Number of words: 384 | Number of pages: 2.... of the great trust that was formed. showed little mercy in his business dealings. He believe primitive savagery prevailed in the jungle world of business, where only the fittest survived or as you taught us (Social Darwinism) :-). Anyway, he pursued the policy of "ruin or rule." His oil monopoly did turn out a superior product at a relatively cheap price.
's philanthropies, amounting to some $500 million dollars. He founded things such as the Institute for Medical Research, and the Univ. of Chicago. His vast resources built up the National City Bank of New York. Basically he contributed quite a lot to American society .....
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Sir Anton Dolin
Number of words: 1245 | Number of pages: 5.... Astafieva’s Swinburne Ballet, the thirteen-year-old boy registered for lessons with the Russian ballerina. A former pupil of the Imperial School and at one time principal dancer in the Diaghilev Ballet Russe, Astafieva was then conducting the only school of Russian ballet in London, which stressed the importance of the individual dancer in ballet. After Pat had been her student for about four years, the famous Diaghilev visited the school one day in search of promising young dancers for extras in The Sleeping Princess. It was then that the seventeen-year-old youth was given his first dancing bit, a part in Diaghilev’s cho .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson 3
Number of words: 752 | Number of pages: 3.... phase of conformity, but as Emerson says, "whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist." For years only great men have been able to break away from society's grasp to form their own ideas and live their own lives. These few examples are the ones people need to follow (149).
Much of the reason people conform to society is that they do not know themselves enough to listen to what's in their own heads. People need to learn how to trust themselves. They need to accept the place, events, and virtues that are naturally found for them. The only thing worth trusting in a person's life is found in the heart. The voices in a persons .....
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Garth Brooks
Number of words: 408 | Number of pages: 2.... He even fooled me the first time I saw it. This was not his intent but that’s what happened. Once I learned more about the character I under stood what The Chris Gains project was all about. Many devoted Garth fans were confused because they didn’t know if he was done with country all together. Some people were even angry and felt betrayed. So far The Chris Gains project hasn’t caught on. Honestly I like the new style of music, it’s a side of Garth I’ve rarely seen. Garth has paved the way for a new generation of country music. Garth always performed for the people and that’s why he has such a huge following. It .....
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Alfred Nobel
Number of words: 469 | Number of pages: 2.... diatoms. This way the explosive could be transported easily and detonated from a safe distance. It saved laves and time. He would name it Dynamite and got a patent for it in 1867.
Throughout his life he had poor health but was not worried about it because he expected many advances in medicine. He once experimented with his theories on blood transfusions. These attempts failed and was back on with his chemistry. From an early age Alfred had written and read quite a bit and he had very good writing skills. He wrote many poems and even a play or two only to destroy almost all of them.
By his death in 1896 he had est .....
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George Washington
Number of words: 826 | Number of pages: 4.... he set his mind to.
His first real adventure as a boy was going to a surveying party to the Shenandoah Valley of northern Virginia and rising the Shenandoah River by canoe. An earlier suggestion that he should be sent to sea seems to have been discouraged by his uncle Joseph Ball, who described the consequences of a unknown colonial youth in the British Navy of that day as such that "he had better be put apprentice to a tinker. "When he was 17 he was made surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia, the first public office he held.
In 1751 George had his first and only experience of foreign lands when he joined his half-brother Lawre .....
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