Papers on People and Biographies
Babe Ruth
Number of words: 1867 | Number of pages: 7.... but none of them survived to adulthood. Soon after Mamies birth his father opened his own tavern at 426 West Camden St. The family would later move into an apartment above the bar. George spent the first 7 years of his life running around the Bay area watching street fights and stealing from the shop keepers. It didn’t take long before he was known well by local police. When he was 7, Kate and her husband finally decided they could no longer tend to the mischievous boy, and brought him to St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys. Despite his crying and begging to be brought home, his custody was singed over to a group of str .....
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Maya Angelou
Number of words: 769 | Number of pages: 3.... as an editor for The Arab observer, an English-language weekly published Cairo. lived in Accra, Ghana, where Sergejs Golubevs under the black nationalist regime of Karane Nkrumah she taught music, dance, and. studied cinematography in Sweden. In the 1960's, at the request of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ms Angelou became the northern coordinator for the southern Leadership Conference. She Commission on the Observance of International women's Year.
, poet, was among the first African -Am .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Number of words: 251 | Number of pages: 1.... school in Leipzig, where, apart from his brief visit to the court of Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, he remained there until his death.
Bach married twice and had 21 children, ten of whom died in infancy. His second wife, Anna Magdalena Wulkens, was a soprano singer; she also acted as his amanuensis, when in later years his sight failed.
Bach was a master of contrapuntal technique, and his music marks the culmination of the Baroque polyphonic style.
Important Works
Sacred music includes over 200 church cantatas, the Easter and Christmas oratorios, the two great Passions of St Mathew and St John, and the Mass in B minor. .....
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Comparison Of Marcus Garvey And David Duke
Number of words: 1066 | Number of pages: 4.... when it came to work. He observed the inferior status of black workers around the world. In an attempt to help relieve the plight of these workers he founded the UNIA. The UNIA was, in fact, the first, dominant black interest group, even before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In just a few years after it was founded in 1914, the UNIA had four million members in 1920 and six million in 1923. David Duke’s famous interest group was the infamous Ku Klux Klan. Duke became a member of the KKK when he was only a teenager. He quickly became the Imperial Wizard of the Klan, the high .....
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Number of words: 362 | Number of pages: 2.... new manor. He went from seeming very dignified to just another poor commoner on the street. Once more and more people learned about him, they began to stay away from him, forbidding their kids to listen to a word that he said, for he was contridicting everything that Athens has stood for and known their whole life. He was put to trial and found guilty, and was sentenced to death.
Without and the many scientist that died to learn more about the earth and the way of living, we might still be living in the past. With coming out and not being afraid of the truth we have learned more that we possibly could have imagined. how eve .....
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Number of words: 826 | Number of pages: 4.... daughter of the sun god (“ VII” 377). Her capital was Alexandria, discovered by Alexander the Great, and was an excellent center of Hellenistic Greek culture and commercial activity (Krapp 615).
Three years after gained rule over Egypt she was driven into exile by the supporters of her brother Ptolemy XIII (“” 489). Caesar arrived in Egypt in search of his rival Pompey. A civil war occurred between the two Roman men. soon realized the need to cooperate with Rome to gain beneficial aid in regaining her throne (Nardo 24). After a long power conflict, Caesar defeated his opponent Pompey in a major battle. When disco .....
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Margaret Bourke-White
Number of words: 567 | Number of pages: 3.... asked to rent or borrow a camera. The picture became one of her first works of art and the owner of the store became one of her best friends.
One of Margaret's early dreams was to photograph the inside of a steel mill but women weren't allowed inside. Being a woman didn't stop her and the pictures were a success. Her shots were published in magazines all over the country and got Margaret her first big job, at Fortune magazine in New York. With Margaret's photos Fortune became one of the leading photography magazines. The magazine had also made her a star but Margaret still kept her studio, which had grown to a staff of eight and mo .....
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William Carlos Williams: A Poet On A Mission
Number of words: 1418 | Number of pages: 6.... the Bible (DISC 1). To further
elevate his level of knowledge, Williams attended the University of
Pennsylvania, where he was awarded a Doctorate in Medicine, and later
visited the University of Leipzig, for post-graduate study (Bloom 4338).
Williams fulfilled his parents' lofty standards by becoming a general
practitioner with his degree from Pennsylvania. Their standards,
unfortunately, did not match up with those of Williams himself. He did not
wish to become
a doctor, but found himself becoming infatuated with poetry. He often
found himself torn between what he wanted to do, and what his parents
wished for him to do. He .....
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Authors: M. Rowlandson, J. Edwards, T. Jefferson, W. Irving, And J. Cooper
Number of words: 306 | Number of pages: 2.... America's 3rd president, and an accomplished one at that.
Jefferson helped bring into exhistance the Declaration of Independence.
He also bought a huge amount of land from Napolean, known as the Lousiana
Purchase for 15 Million dollars, what a deal! Napolean definately needed money
to finance his little war, tsk tsk.
A real thinker in the enlightenment also.
Washington Irving, named after George Washington was a famous writer who very
possibly invented the short story. Irving created such characters as Ichabod
Crane and Rip Van Winkle.
James Fenimore Cooper possibly the first American author that used fiction. .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 588 | Number of pages: 3.... at a boarding school. Thomas liked to Horse back ride, Canoe, Hunt, and fish. When Thomas was fourteen years old, his father passed away. was the oldest son, so Thomas had to take care of the family. Jefferson was a tall, slender boy with sandy reddish hair and fair skin that freckled and sunburned easily. A serious student, Thomas also enjoyed the lighter aspects of the education of a Virginia gentleman. Jefferson learned to dance and play the violin. Weekends and holidays Thomas spent either at Shadwell entertaining guests or at his friends' plantations. After two years at William and Mary (A College in Virginia’s capital ci .....
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