Papers on People and Biographies
Bonnie And Clyde
Number of words: 1137 | Number of pages: 5.... with him to the end of hid life: a passion for music, and an obsession with guns. Even as Clyde drove along the lane in Louisiana to his death, he carried a saxophone and reams of sheet music, as well as an arsenal of firearms. Clyde loved and named his guns, and regarded them as tokens of his power.
At the age of sixteen, Clyde dropped out of school to work at Proctor and Gamble. Clyde’s crime streak started with helping his brother steal a small flock of turkeys and transporting them to Dallas to sell for Christmas money. Dallas officers saw the back seat full of live fowl, and pulled them over arresting them both .....
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Ray Bradbury: Literary Influences
Number of words: 1044 | Number of pages: 4.... book
strips to the kiddies and being paid in free movie tickets, to local cinema,
where I saw ‘The Mummy,' ‘The Murders in the Wax Museum,' ‘Dracula' ...and ‘
King Kong.'” (Johnson 2). In reference to his one year in Tucson Arizona,
Bradbury recalls “‘It was one of the greatest years of my life because I
was acting and singing in operettas and writing, beginning to write my
first short stories.'” (Johnson 2). After graduating from high school,
Bradbury bought a typewriter and rented an office with the money saved from
selling newspapers. While in his early twenties, Bradbury sold one
science-fiction short stor .....
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John Fitzgerald Kennedy And His Accomplishments In Office
Number of words: 1581 | Number of pages: 6.... “Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty,” he stated. He finished with this now-famous call to the country, “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
In the beginning of his presidency, John F. Kennedy and his staff brought many great changes to the White House and to Washington. Instead of letting his secretaries contact people for him, he would often dial calls himself, which surprised many who would pick up the phon .....
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George Washington Carver
Number of words: 1134 | Number of pages: 5.... obtain a high school education in Minneapolis, Kansas, while working as a farmhand. After a university in Kansas refused to admit him because he was black, Carver enrolled at Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, where he studied piano and art, afterward transferring to Iowa State Agricultural College (Ames, Iowa), where he received a bachelor's degree in agricultural science in 1894 and a master of science degree in 1896.
Carver left Iowa for Alabama in the fall of 1896 to direct the newly organized department of agriculture at the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, a school headed by the noted black American educator Booker .....
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Number of words: 479 | Number of pages: 2.... with the significant ones to include over fifty symphonies, twenty seven piano concertos, and seven of the greatest operas of all time (). Some say that he was not an original composer because he never actually did invent a form or style, and his work leaned heavily on his predecessors. One can argue though that through his original contributions he changed the forms of the works entirely ( the Modernist pg.2). He had great emotional depth and his symphonies would combine perfect formal symmetry and symphonic design with emotional expressions that would remain unequal until Beethoven and Schubert (Wolfgang). His melodies were .....
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Benjamin Franklin
Number of words: 1497 | Number of pages: 6.... the mistakes. Franklin loved to read. When he was 16, he tried to save money to buy more books by only eating vegetables to cut food costs.
Ben's brother treated him harsh and tyrannical. Franklin later attributed his love of independence to the years he spent as an apprentice and his aversion to the power of his brother. When he was 17, Franklin left home and moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He arrived there almost penniless. He also essentially cut his ties with his family in Boston. He gained attention of the Pennsylvania Governor, and at age 18 Ben was sent to London to study the latest developments in printing .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1081 | Number of pages: 4.... had a big dispute and Poe decided to run away and join the army( under the name Edgar A. Perry).
Poe spent three years in the army, during this time he began experimenting with writing. In his last three months in the army, Poe decided he did not desire to be a professional soldier. He left the army set on becoming a professional writer. In 1833 Poe had written three books of poems, a few short stories, and became a literary critic. His criticism was excellent, and full of sharp wit. Poe could never keep a job as a critic for long though because he was fast becoming an alcoholic.
Poe, at this time is fully estranged from his fos .....
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William Shakespeare
Number of words: 904 | Number of pages: 4.... dive children were Gilbert born in 1566, a second Joan 1569, Richard 1573, Edmund 1580, and Anne 1580 who died at age eight. (Bender 14).
was educated at the local school in Stratford. Ironically, William never attended a university although virtually every English speaking universities studies his works. Bioghrapher a man educated in " the university of life." (Bender 14). His plays and other works display Shakespeare’s vast knowledge of the entertainment, social mores, and culture of his native Warwickshire. William married Anne Hathaway in 1582. He was 18 and she was 26. They had twin daughters Hamnet and Judi .....
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Knute Rockne - Coach And Legend Of Notre Dame
Number of words: 1650 | Number of pages: 6.... At the same time, Knute tried playing many other sports. His school
attendance slipped and his grades became mediocre. Persistence paid off, and
after 3 years on the scrubs, Knute finally made it to the starting football team.
After this successful senior football season, it was time for him to leave high
school. It was a wonder that he got into Notre Dame with his high school record.
At the age of 22, Rockne decided that he wanted to fulfill a dream. That
dream was to become a pharmacist and to eventually own his own drug store. Two
of Knute's friends gained acceptance to a small college in South Bend, Indiana
called Not .....
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Prince William
Number of words: 4808 | Number of pages: 18.... include another member of the royal family born in 1066 named William I "the Conqueror," who was as famous during his ruling period as much as is in the 1990s. This essay will cover the above topics. of Whales is second in line of inheritance to the British throne after Prince Charles of Whales, who is first. He was born June 21, 1982 at 9:03 p.m. weighing seven pounds, ten ounces at Saint Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London after his mother endured seventeen hours of labor. When he was born, his father, Prince Charles said "Nearly seventeen hours is a long time to wait … Obviously, I am relieved, delighted…. I think it is .....
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