Papers on People and Biographies
Marco Polo
Number of words: 1838 | Number of pages: 7.... the ruthless methods brought a measure of stability to the lands they controlled, opening up trade routes such as the famous Silk Road. Eventually ,the Mongols discovered that it was more profitable to collect tribute from people than to kill them outright, and this policy too stimulated trade (Hull 23).
Into this favorable atmosphere a number of European traders ventured, including the family of . The Polos had long-established ties in the Levant and around the Black Sea: for example, they owned property in Constantinople, and Marco’s uncle, for whom he was named, had a home in Sudak in the Crimea(Rugoff 8). From Sudak, aroun .....
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Really In The Works Of John Grisham
Number of words: 1338 | Number of pages: 5.... to practice law in Southaven, Mississippi for nearly a decade. He specialized in criminal defense and personal injury litigation. In 1983 he was elected to the Mississippi Sate House of Representatives. He served in the House of Representatives until 1990.
While at Mississippi State University, he attempted to write two books, neither of which he finished. In 1984 he began to write a third book. He used his experience at Dessoto County Courthouse (http://www.randomhouse.com/features/grisham/about.html) to write this book. The testimony of a twelve-year-old rape victim inspired Grisham to write a novel. After three yea .....
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Ivan The Terrible
Number of words: 563 | Number of pages: 3.... enemy, the Tartars. Showing no mercy to these Muslim people Ivan's conquest of Kazan, and later Astrakhan and Siberia, gave birth to a sixteenth century personality cult glorifying him as the Orthodox crusader. His wife Anastasia helped to hold his cruelty back but in 1560 she died. He accused his nobles of poisoning her, and became even more mentally unstable. Recent studies have shown that there was over ten times the normal amount of mercury in her hair showing that she was murdered. He set up a bodyguard that has been described as Russia's first 'secret police' (the Oprichniki) as a religious brotherhood sworn to protecting .....
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Michelangeo - Renaissance Man
Number of words: 1676 | Number of pages: 7.... thirteen, his father was a minor Florentine official with connections to the Medici family. At this time his father reluctantly agreed to apprentice him to the city's most prominent painters, the Ghirlandajo brothers (Compton's, 1998). Unsatisfied, because the brothers refused to teach him their art secrets, he played hooky and discovered the gardens of the Monastery of San Marco. Lorenzo the Magnificent, head of the Medici family had brought many ancient Greek and Roman statues to these gardens. These works and those commissioned, were intended to bring glory to the family name and make political statements.
Without his fat .....
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Robert Hunter
Number of words: 2443 | Number of pages: 9.... the division of contemporary/traditional and form their own categories.
One of the main traditional themes that Hunter uses is the gambling theme. The poems "Candyman" and "Loser" exemplify this motif the best:
Come on boys and gamble
Roll those laughing bones.
Seven come eleven, boys
I'll take your money home.
Last fair deal in the country, sweet Suzy
Last fair deal in the town.
Put your gold money where your love is, baby,
Before you let my deal go down.
Both are about professional gamblers, and both (especially "Loser") carry overtones of trouble and treachery. Th .....
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Grace Murray Hopper
Number of words: 461 | Number of pages: 2.... More than 40 colleges and universities have conferred honorary degrees on Admiral Hopper, and she has been honored by her on several occasions. She was the recipient of the first Computer Sciences "Man of the Year" award presented by the Data Processing Management Association. Her entry in "Who's Who" requires 34 lines to thumbnail her accomplishments, appointments, and honors.
spent a lot of time tring to prove that something that's never been done before isn't impossible. This lead Hopper to invent the first computer "compiler" in 1952. This software made the first automatic programming of computer language easier. Before, .....
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Emily Dickinson
Number of words: 1400 | Number of pages: 6.... so she stayed in the family house. The three siblings shared a very close relationship. Their parents didn't have a close relationship with them, but they did love and care for them. Emily's parents made sure she had a good education. She went to a primary school for four years then she attended Amherst Academy from eighteen hundred forty through eighteen hundred forty-seven. After that she went to Mary Lyon's Female Seminary ( Mount Holyoke Female Seminary ) for only a year. [ 7. http://www.gale.com/library/resrcs/poets_cn/dic knbio.htm ] The seminary insisted on religious as well as intellectual growth. Emily didn't like the re .....
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Albert Einstein 2
Number of words: 1660 | Number of pages: 7.... at the same direction no matter what direction he was holding the compass itself. He later said “something deeply hidden had to be behind things.” He attended public school in Munich, Germany and also in Aarau, Switzerland. Later Einstein Studied mathematics and physics at the Swiss Polytechnic institute in Zurich. From 1902 until 1909, Einstein worked as an examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. This job gave him much time for scientific research. Einstein became a Swiss Citizen in 1905. In 1933 while visiting the U.S. and England, Nazi Germany took seize of Einstein’s property and deprived his of his ci .....
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Raoul Wallenberg
Number of words: 1511 | Number of pages: 6.... of being one of the "Big Men" like the men in his family. He looked at them as fearless Vikings (Linne'a 7,8).
Raoul studied architecture at the university of Michigan in Arbor, Michigan U.S.A. He could learn about banking after collage. He wasn't good in math this isn't good for a future banker (Linne'a 15,18). He finished his architecture course in three and a half years which is a four and a half year class. He won a medal awarded to one student out of each class of eleven
hundred students.
"Thirty five years later Dr. Jean Paul Slusser recall at Ann Abor. ‘He was one of the
brightest and best stud .....
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Michael Jackson
Number of words: 828 | Number of pages: 4.... many songs. Michael Jackson's first solo album
is called "Off the Wall," and it first released in 1979. The songs on "Off The
Wall" include "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" and "Rock With You." His
following albums include "Bad," "Thriller," and "Dangerous." Michael had a 2 CD
album called "HIStory Past, Present, and Future Book 1," and it first released
in 1995. The first CD has his most popular songs from the past. The second CD
has his newest including "Scream," which is a duet with with his younger sister
Janet Jackson, "You Are Not Alone," which was a 1996 Grammy Awards nominee, and
"Childhood," which is the theme to "Free W .....
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