Papers on People and Biographies
Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4.... of Spartacus in 72 BC. Because of his leadership abilities, was elected consul in 70 BC. However, he ran into opposition in the senate, especially from Marcus Crassus, and returned to leading the army to more conquests.
was an opportunist, he worked by himself, all the while leading the senate to think that he was working with them. He manipulated the senate to make out that Caesar was dangerous. became the most powerful man in Rome. During the time of his political prominence, the senate was very weak. Because of s popularity with the public and his military ability, along with his opportunism, he rose to this political p .....
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Hubert H. Humphrey
Number of words: 307 | Number of pages: 2.... known as the backbone to the Johnson administration. He ran all foreign conflicts etc.. There was two Presidents during this term, Johnson was the White colored type President and Humphrey was the President that went and got things done, the blue colored worker, he was the guy that was willing to get his hands dirty. Humphrey later died at his home in Waverly, Minnesota on January 13, 1978 of cancer. His widow was apointed to fill out his Senate term. The stadium that the Minnesota Twins now play in(a major league baseball team) is named after the late great Hubrt H. Humphrey. .....
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Stalin As A Continuation Of Le
Number of words: 696 | Number of pages: 3.... point that anyone who did not agree with them was an enemy. They both used this as an excuse to kill thousands of people. The reason they were able to do this was because both wanted power and neither were afraid to act on their desires. "Lenin was an activist, indeed a hyper-activist, and it was this which made him such a violent figure." This is also what made Stalin so horrible. In the way Lenin acted on behalf of the revolution, Stalin acted on behalf of himself.
Although their personalities were similar, it can be argued that they had different ideals. Lenin lived for the revolution and had a long-term goal of worldwide revolu .....
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The Life And Times Of The Man
Number of words: 1907 | Number of pages: 7.... and he also tutored private pupils. Bell's interest in speech and communication led him to investigate the transmission of sound over wires. In particular, he experimented with development of the harmonic telegraph --a device that could send multiple messages at the same time over a single wire. Bell also worked with the possibility of transmitting the human voice, experimenting with vibrating membranes and an actual human ear. Gardiner Hubbard (1822-1897) and Thomas Sanders, fathers of two of his deaf pupils backed Bell financially in his investigations. Early in 1874, Bell met Thomas A. Watson (1854-1934), a young machin .....
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Number of words: 10146 | Number of pages: 37.... about adultery mixed with secrete marriages, are what prompted the statement on marriage, in an attempt to squash rumors and innuendo. Joseph Smith was conveniently out of town, thus he could be seen as supporting the inclusion of that statement from outsiders, while continuing to spread plural marriage privately to select people for many years to come. The issue of preaching conflicting revelations was avoided by his absence. The Article on Marriage was section 101 of the 1835 edition of the D&C. The RLDS church has maintained this section to this day. The LDS church kept it in the Nauvoo editions 1844, 1845 and 1846. It was not r .....
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Rudolph Christian Karl Diesel
Number of words: 348 | Number of pages: 2.... prefected in 1896.
To do this Rudolph had to have a great understanding of Thermodynamics. He had
to know basic principles of engines and how they work. Rudolph got help from
many people. Some of the people that helped him are Machine-fabric Augsburg,
Gasmotoren-Fabric Deutz and Mannesmann-Werke. It took them six years to finish
the Diesel Engine.
It was important because it gave a new and easier way of using engines. It
gave a way for large vehicles to transport goods safely. It is easier to make
than the steam engine. All we did was benefit from the invention. If Rudolph
had not invented the diesel engine my life .....
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Louis XIV
Number of words: 971 | Number of pages: 4.... the fact that he could keep he kept everyone in
France inline at the same time. everyone in France obeyed him because he was
such a grand, rich, fair king. Louis got into many wars with other countries
over the stupidest things, when Charles II were to die with no kids, he made
he offered to make Louis's grandson the sole beneficiary of the vast inheritance
to be left behind, Louis Accepted the the offer out of pure greed, but that
dicision meant war with Austria. Although, Louis was already getting half of
the money he still greedily accepted the offer, if he had not accepted the
offer war could have been avoided, but hey we all .....
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Number of words: 1086 | Number of pages: 4.... writers. Whether one views the Bible as the revealed word of God or as the writing of inspired people, the figure of towers over the early history of the Jewish people. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions revere for his central role in communicating the Ten Commandments and the Torah directly from God to the Jewish people soon after their escape from Egypt. Thus, the Torah is also known as the Five Books of . According to Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the Israelite people first came to Egypt in search of food during a famine that affected the entire ancient Near East. At first welcomed by the Egyptians, after abo .....
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Martin Luther King And Malcolm X Comparison
Number of words: 1325 | Number of pages: 5.... called the Nation of Islam. During the 1950's, Malcolm became the primary spokesman for the Nation. He also came of the surveillance of the FBI along with Elijah Muhammad. As was Dr. King's, Malcolm's every move was followed and documented.
Malcolm became a powerful speaker in the movement. As King captured the spirit of the Southern Black, Malcolm became the messiah of the ghettos of Harlem, Chicago, Detroit, and Los Angeles. Initially a small group, the Nation grew rapidly under Malcolm's leadership. He not only spoke the words of the Koran and his spiritual mentor, Elijah Muhammad, but he also lived it to its fullest .....
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Writings Of Maya Angelou
Number of words: 775 | Number of pages: 3.... she graduated from high
school in 1945 (“Maya” 18). When she was growing up, she suffered from
people being racist toward her. For example, when she was younger her
grandmother took her to a white dentist that refused to put his hands in a
black persons mouth (Arensberg 118). Occasions like such convinced her
that she had to take the pain and move on. Much of Maya Angelou’s writing
stresses the themes of courage, self-acceptance, and realization of one’s
life (“Maya” 18).
One night while having dinner with Jules Fieffer, he convinced her
that the story of her life was worth telling. She then had the courage to
s .....
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