Papers on People and Biographies
Plato And Justice
Number of words: 767 | Number of pages: 3.... the lower groups do not obey one of the higher groups. A state may be said to be just if the Auxiliaries do not simply obey the guardians, but enjoy doing so, that is, they don’t grumble about the authority being exercised over them; a state with “ordinary justice” would require that the Producers not only obey the Auxiliaries and Guardians, but that they do so willingly. Ordinary justice is basically the morality in the community or “outer morality.” But to achieve this “outer morality” They must have “inner morality” which is morality in an individual or “psychic harmony.”
Later Plato identifies the int .....
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John Locke 2
Number of words: 905 | Number of pages: 4.... Locke, shortly after, followed him. They remained there until the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
On his return to England, Locke issued many or works, the chief of these being the Two Treaties of Government, and the Essay Concerning Human Understanding. These writings were immediately successful and they both exerted a vast influence. Between the both of these works, they made the dominant view of English thought through the greater part of the eighteenth century. Also on his return, the new king, William III, appointed Locke to the Board of Trade in 1696, a position from which he resigned because of ill health in 1700.
Locke sp .....
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The Divorce Of Michael Jackson And Lisa Marie Presley
Number of words: 287 | Number of pages: 2.... not allowed to release much of this information but we can say that
this third party was a major Hollywood player.
Michael claims that he was not actually having an affair but merely
providing sexual favors in order to get a speedy production for the sequel
to his past smash hit movie "The Moon Walker". Though, this extra parter
denys this and says there has been an on going relationship since before
the hookup of Jackson and Presley. Are these aligations true? I think so.
The divorce was made final late last week, now Michael has moved in
Permanently to his large day care center complex, better known as "I've go .....
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Howard Hughes
Number of words: 956 | Number of pages: 4.... Howard had a fine education because he attended highly educational schools.
His father’s great fortune left Howard very wealthy. After his father’s death he was left an estate worth $871,000, and a patent for a drill. The drill was for oil drilling
which made much money. In 1925 Howard got married to Ella Rice, he was twenty . He got divorced in 1928 and that same year he got his first pilots license.
Howard had two careers that made him very successful in life. He started a company called Hughes Aircraft Company. The reason he started this was his love of aviation. In 1927 he started his career in act .....
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Stephen Vicent Benet: An American Poet
Number of words: 1003 | Number of pages: 4.... his first book, entitled Five Men and Pompey (Fenton). “Civilian service during World War I interrupted his education at Yale Univerisity. When the war was over he returned to Yale. In 1919, he received his master of arts degree, submitting his third volume of poems instead of a thesis” (Fenton). A Guggenheim fellowship took him to France, with his wife, the former Rosemary Carr. While there he wrote John Brown's Body (1928), which won (1929) a Pulitzer Prize for poetry (Hart 198). “Over 300 pages, the poem covers the Civil War from John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry, W. Va., to peace at Appomattox” (198). The second .....
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Beethoven 2
Number of words: 576 | Number of pages: 3.... hearing humming and whistling sound in his ears, and it got worse. A few years later, he became completely deaf. Although he was deaf he could still write music. He finished his first symphony in 1800.
In 1802, Beethoven became depressed and thought a lot about suicide. He went to a small village in Germany where he stayed for a few years. The next couple of years Beethoven created his most impressing masterpieces. In 1812 he had completed over twelve of his best works and he was known worldwide. But after this Beethoven did not release any music for awhile and he got in trouble with the law over some royalties to songs. .....
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Theodore Roosevelt Was Qualified For The Position Of President Of The United States
Number of words: 454 | Number of pages: 2.... of New York. Roosevelt’s experience proved that he was a capable leader suited to the position of President of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt had experience and a strong will to form him into a President more than capable of leading the United States.
Roosevelt was the Secretary of the Navy and a Colonel in the United States army. He possessed a necessary grasp on military tactics, weapons, and the mindset of the troops. These abilities would enable him to effectively conduct the actions of the United States military when needed and allow Roosevelt to make decisions on military matters in an informed manner.
Roosevelt .....
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Andrew Carnegie
Number of words: 936 | Number of pages: 4.... and Impact on American Public Library Development by George S. Bobinski shows the impact of his philanthropy and the reaction it received.
lived by his philosophy that “The man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced.” He not only wrote these words, but lived by them. “Money can only be the useful drudge of things immeasurably higher than itself...Mine be it to have contributed to the enlightenment and the joys of the mind...” Carnegie said. Therefore, he put his fortune into education and free access to information through donating gifts to the world- the building of public libraries.
For the most part, ’s gif .....
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Igor Stravinsky
Number of words: 1187 | Number of pages: 5.... was introduced to the Russian composer, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. Rimsky was extremely impressed with Stravinsky’s early compositions that he convinced him not to enter the conservatory for academic training, but to study privately with him as his teacher. He was tutored privately by Rimsky in instrumentation and orchestration for about three years. In 1905, Stravinsky graduated from the St. Petersburg University. In the meantime, he continued his studies with Rimsky. The next year, his mind still not made up about becoming a professional musician, he married his second cousin, Catherine Nossenko.
Stravinsky’s Symphony in E F .....
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Abraham Lincoln
Number of words: 364 | Number of pages: 2.... Lincoln was born in 1843 and died in 1926.
Edward Baker Lincoln lived from 1846-1850, William Wallace Lincoln lived
from 1850-1862, and finally, Thomas Tad Lincoln lived from 1853-1871.
In February 1860, Lincoln made his first major political appearance in
the Northeast, when he addressed a rally at Cooper Union in New York. He
was now well-known to be a presidential candidate. At the Republican
National Conven-tion, in Chicago, Lincoln won the nomination and went on
to win the presidential election.
Lincoln's victory in that election changed the future of the United
States. It also agitated John Wilkes Booth to be .....
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